This story is over 5 years old.


Dear Diary

I hate my mother. I hate her with a passion.

Diary Entry
February 8th, 1983
I hate my mother. I hate her with a passion. I hope she bacterializes into hell along with the rest of the fuckheads that bug the hell out of me! Well that's a cheerful beginning! But I don't care! I'm in love with Jan Michael Vincent! He's the star on Winds Of War. I really love him, he's so gorgeous! I've been watching that movie for two days and I'm not missing tonight! But noooooo, my "mommy" sent me to my room! Fuck her! I got in trouble over something I didn't do really. Now if I miss that next episode of Winds I'll never know what happens unless I read the book which I know I just won't. (Plus Jan Michael Vincent is not in the book.) I am so sick and tired of living here! I want to leave home and never come back here NEVER! I hate the sight of living daylights because it means another miserable day here. I can't wait to be in New York City and to be with Jan Michael Vincent. October, 2000
Jan-Michael Vincent's professional life kind of went downhill after "Winds of War." I count my lucky stars I didn't graduate high school and stalk him around New York City. First of all he's never lived there and second of all he would have been a crappy boyfriend. He hits women. But I thought he had his shit together when I saw him on a recent 20/20 episode, totally Botoxed and detoxed. Even the official Jan-Michael Vincent website says "He is back, he is ready and he is committed." Wrong, he ended up breaking his neck in a drunken car wreck. Then last March, he was arrested three times for public drunkenness. He pleaded guilty. Part of his probation was forced detox. Then in August he was arrested and charged with beating up Patricia Christ, his fiancé. The judge set bail at $20,000 and ordered him to stand trial in September. Except for the cult classic Big Wednesday , and of course Airwolf, he's the male Shannon Tweed of straight-to-video hell. But check out Baby Blue Marine, Damnation Alley or Vigilante Force. They're good. Next to him Eric Roberts looks like Julia Roberts.