Watch a Sneak Peek of Tonight's Episode of 'VICE' on HBO


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Watch a Sneak Peek of Tonight's Episode of 'VICE' on HBO

Host Thomas Morton goes to an arms show during an examination of the militarization of America's police.

Our third season of VICE is currently airing Fridays on HBO, and we've got a sneak peek of tonight's episode to get you excited. Last week, we investigated climate change, in the process traveling from the melting glaciers in Antarctica to the decision makers in the United Nations. This week, host Thomas Morton takes a look at the increasing militarization of America's police in the aftermath of Michael Brown's fatal shooting in Ferguson. Watch an exclusive clip of Thomas playing with weaponry at a gun show, and then catch the full episode tonight.

Watch VICE Fridays at on HBO at 11 PM, 10 PM Central.