Cu Panda la Soci: ziua 10


This story is over 5 years old.


Cu Panda la Soci: ziua 10

După o scurtă oprire la un hotel de sex din Izmail am mers la Odesa. Pe drum am dat de maidanezi care mănâncă porumbei, dar am încercat să ne concentrăm pe găsirea unui loc decent de schi freestyle. Și asta am făcut!

The lack of sleep and the icey wind is our main problem at the moment, while we drive hours passing by amazing views. Wild street dogs guzzling dead pigeons, humans standing in the lonely nowhere, as if there is no snowstorm at all and our ongoing distance which keeps us going to Sochi!

This morning after only four hours of half sleep, I went to find an orange juice in the hotel and had to pass moaning rooms. I was happy that my eyes were burning. I did not want to see more than I was able to hear. An Ukrainian sex hotel it is.


So off we went to Odessa. On our route we kept on searching for a good freestyle ski spot for Dima. It was about the time to compensate our past disaster with some adrenaline ejection. An old sign on a little hill was our drop spot! I can tell you, Ukraines snow is now full of western adrenaline ash. It is white, wet and slippery and that’s exactly how we roll.

But now it is time to celebrate that we even made it into the Ukraine. Budmo everybody!

We are available, though the east is icey and the wifi is getting less. Join the conversation using the hashtag #pandatooschi or talk to us on the phone via 0043 660 525 0162. We still have a lot of Give-Aways from Nitro, BeatsbyDre, Nokia and Fiat for any and all hints to great people and places from you!