• What It's Like to Go Clubbing When You Have Asperger's

    Since being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder as a teenager, I've felt like I've hit a lot of milestones slower than other people. Those include most things in the realm of "going out"—and now I'm trying to catch up.

  • The War on Kids

    This is the story of Jesse Snodgrass, a kid with Asperger's syndrome who was arrested by an undercover cop posing as a student at Jesse's high school. This is the story of how the war on drugs preys on the most vulnerable.

  • Everybody Has Asperger's Now

    So I guess maybe I'm retarded and could potentially not care if I saw someone get hit by a car. And yet, life goes on. The funny thing about all of this is that since this happened, I hear about Asperger's, and people having it, almost every day.
