
Monthly Horoscope: Libra, April 2022

Welcome to Aries season, dear Libra!
Aries and Taurus
Robin Eisenberg

The new moon in Aries on April 1 activates the relationship sector of your chart, which may find you connecting with someone new, entering a new partnership, or starting a new journey with an established partner. Aries is a sign that’s not afraid of conflict, but this new moon can find some compromises working out! You could gain a new perspective on your partnerships or learn more about a partner’s point of view, especially as the sun meets Mercury in Aries on April 2.


Mars and Saturn meet in fellow air sign Aquarius on April 4, bringing a heavy atmosphere: Mars is the planet of action, but as it meets Saturn, restraint and patience are the rule. Resistance may be a theme at this time. You or the people around you might feel grumpy. It’s not the best moment astrologically to plan a cute date or go to a party, but it might be a fine opportunity to get clear on your boundaries and limitations.

Things feel looser and easier as your ruling planet Venus enters Pisces on April 5. The pace at work flows more peacefully, and you may be inspired to edit your wardrobe or update your beauty routine. In your relationships, you and your partners could be discussing your schedules and routines. Communications kick up as Mercury and Mars connect on April 8, and the energy is productive and more flexible than it was when Mars met with Saturn.

April 10 finds Mercury squaring off with Pluto, and you’re having an intense conversation about your personal life: You may be letting someone know you need more privacy, or learning something that changes the way you think about your relationships or the past. Also on this day, Mercury enters Taurus, which may find you handling paperwork concerning bills or discussing financial issues like debts, taxes, or resources you share with your partners.

One of the most magical days this year is April 12, when Jupiter meets Neptune in Pisces! Your everyday routine might feel a little more inspiring than usual. You may be especially creative at this time, and your projects are infused with extra glamour and mystique! It’s a beautiful moment to connect with nature: Get plenty of fresh air, and engage in any physical activities that elevate your spirit, whether that’s hiking, swimming, or simply dancing to your favorite music.


You may also be starting a new routine at this time, one that adds a touch of enchantment to your everyday life, like gardening or escaping outdoors. Also on this day, the sun connects with Saturn, bringing a grounding atmosphere: You and your creative collaborators can make something solid out of abounding artistic inspiration at this time. Or in your love life, the sun’s connection with Saturn may lend an anchoring energy to an otherwise day-dreamy period. Mars enters Pisces on April 14, helping you with productivity and inspiring you to tackle your to-do list and get reorganized. 

The full moon in your sign, Libra, takes place on April 16, which can find you experiencing a great emotional release. A situation that’s been building in one of your relationships (in love, or perhaps with a creative collaborator or a business partner) may come to a climax. Aries season finds you especially focused on your partnerships, but this full moon calls you to examine your own emotions on a deep level. This is a powerful time for letting go, and you may be releasing old patterns and habits. Mercury connects with Venus on April 17, inspiring a fun, friendly atmosphere, and hopefully helping you smooth over any awkward circumstances.

Mercury and Venus align with the planet of surprise, Uranus, currently in Taurus on April 18, which may find you making unexpected plans. You might be in the mood to do something fun and unusual, to break out of your usual routine! Some power struggles may also arise time as the sun squares off with Pluto on April 18: Your partners might have a difficult time letting go of the past, or could be feeling insecure about change. Control issues and jealousy may flare up! Notice whether you feel like your boundaries are being disrespected, and if so, enlist the help of someone qualified to mediate things.


Taurus season begins on April 19, finding you exploring intimacy with your partners in a deeper way. You may already know that you like the same television shows or that they’re great in bed…but are they invested in your hopes and dreams? Are you the only one who picks up the check at the end of dinner? These sorts of questions might arise, and can be answered, at this time. Money is a big theme for you during Taurus season, especially issues like debts, taxes, or inheritances. 

Communication delays may take place as Mercury squares off with Saturn on April 24, but Mercury also mingles with Neptune on this day, so productivity can still take place. You might have to say no to an offer, but Mercury’s connection with Neptune can inspire a gentle, understanding energy, helping rejections land more softly or facilitating compromise. If you’re struggling with delays or obstacles as Mercury squares off with Saturn, Mercury’s connection with dreamy Neptune can help inspire creative solutions, even if they’re experimental or impermanent.

Mercury connects with Jupiter on April 27, inspiring a jovial, playful atmosphere, and your ruling planet Venus meets Neptune, bringing extra romance and glamour! Something heartwarming and unexpected can take place as you move about your daily routine and deep conversations about the past or your personal life can be had as Mercury connects with Pluto on April 28. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn starts on April 29, which may find you sitting with intense emotions about your home or family situation. Mercury also enters Gemini on April 29, and you may be connecting with people abroad, planning a trip, handling paperwork concerning school, or publishing something.

The solar eclipse in Taurus takes place on April 30, and you’re releasing the past in some important way. You could be paying off a debt, accepting forgiveness, or offering an apology. Someone may be investing in you, and their support could mark an important turning point in your situation! Eclipses are famously emotional and exhausting, so don’t overbook yourself, and catch up on rest. In your relationships, important conversations about shared resources and money take place, and Venus also meets Jupiter during this eclipse, inspiring compassion and generosity.

Good luck this month, Libra, and see you in May!