
Monthly Horoscope: Sagittarius, March 2022

Welcome to Pisces season, dear Sagittarius!
Pisces and Aries
Robin Eisenberg

The sun is in Pisces, a sign that you may be surprised to learn you have much in common with! Both you and Pisces are ruled by lucky Jupiter, the planet of growth and opportunity. Pisces season is an exciting time for expansion, and for you, dear Sagittarius, that’s especially true in your home, family, and personal life. You may be moving into a new space, renovating, inviting someone special to move in or spend more time with your family, or you may be simply be reconsidering what home and family mean to you.


A new cycle begins at home and in your personal life on March 2 with the new moon in Pisces. This is a wonderful moment to energetically cleanse your home: Donate items you no longer need, cook something delicious and heartwarming, and infuse your space with love by spending time with your favorite people! If you’ve been mulling over the past, you may find that this new moon brings a fresh start, or finds you considering things from a new perspective. Again, you may be moving, or changing things up at home in some way. 

During this new moon, the sun mingles with Uranus in Taurus, and Mercury meets Saturn in Aquarius: The sun and Uranus’s connection could bring a change to your schedule. While reorganizing your calendar can be annoying, it could also be a great opportunity to rearrange things to your liking. Mercury and Saturn’s meeting bodes well for managing responsibilities and staying focused, and could find you making an important agreement.

Venus, Mars, and Pluto all align in Capricorn on March 3, activating the financial sector of your chart. You may acquire, or part with, something quite valuable, or find yourself renegotiating your rate at work or reflecting on your approach to money. An open-minded, generous atmosphere flows on March 5 as the sun meets Jupiter in Pisces, and a busy, chatty energy is in the air as Mars and Venus enter and then meet in Aquarius on March 6. Mars in Aquarius can find you taking a direct approach to communication: Sagittarius is a sign that’s famous for being blunt, but with Venus in Aquarius, too, your straightforward approach to communication could be quite charming and attractive! A flirtatious and creative vibe can flow.


Mercury enters Pisces on March 9, helping you organize or complete paperwork regarding your home, and on a more emotional level, find you feeling nostalgic. You may reconnect with people from your past, or be in the mood to look at old journals or photo albums. Conversations about the past and your family history might arise. The sun meets Neptune in Pisces on March 13, inspiring you to explore your spirituality or express yourself creatively. At home, you might want to create a space for yourself that’s quiet and removed from your everyday worries, where you can retreat for peace and contemplation. 

Creative solutions can be found as Mercury mingles with innovative Uranus on March 17. A change in your routine may take place. The full moon in Virgo arrives on March 18, shifting your focus to your career. So much of Pisces season focuses on your home and private life, but this full moon brings a climax to a situation that’s been brewing at work. You may be releasing an important project at this time, or perhaps winning reward or recognition! A goal may be realized. Also during this full moon, the sun mingles with Pluto, which could bring an important conversation about money and security.

Aries season begins on March 20, and the sun illuminates the romance and creativity sector of your chart: This is typically a fun, celebratory time of year for you, Sagittarius! You can connect with a new crush or find that the spark in an established relationship is reignited. You may be artistically inspired at this time, and exciting event invitations could come your way. Mercury meets Jupiter on March 21, potentially bringing good news about home, family, or your personal life.

Mars squares off with Uranus on March 22, which could find folks feeling especially short-tempered. An unexpected change in your social may find you feeling irritable…but a break in routine can be a blessing in disguise! Arguments might pop up, so find healthy ways to channel your anger. You may decide to drop a project abruptly. Fortunately, people are more understanding as Mercury meets mystical Neptune on March 23: We’re much more willing to forgive and forget at this time. This is also a lovely moment for meditation, connecting with your spiritual practice and your inner voice. 

Mercury mingles with Pluto on March 26, finding you having important discussions about power and money. Conversations speed up as Mercury enters fire sign Aries on March 27: Mercury in Aries does not like to wait around! You could be feeling quick impulsive and spontaneous at this time. A sweet message may come your way, and you may be extra flirtatious, too!

Mercury in Aries might bring some exciting event invitations, and Venus meets Saturn on March 28, finding you making an important agreement or commitment. Affectionate Venus’s meeting with serious Saturn isn’t romantic or cozy—it’s all about focusing on responsibility. Some important conversations about Venusian themes like love, money, beauty, and values can take place.

Good luck this month, Sagittarius, and see you in April!