Aarhus Rapper MONTI’s “Rare” Video is a Manic Trip Through Nature

Fresh out of the hip-hop underground of Denmark’s second largest city, we first caught a glimpse of Aarhus local MONTI at UHØRT festival back in August. In September, he dropped his self-titled debut EP, a slew of schizophrenic rhymes. 

All images provided by the artist

In the video for his vicious first single “Rare”, he drags us inside his twisted and colourful mind. “The video is not meant to just show that I’m tripping out on psychedelic drugs – but that being in myself feels strange, because I don’t know where I fit in – or if I even fit in anywhere.”

Videos by VICE

Danish-Italian Sebastian Monti stumbles through forests and bug-swarms as the sky erratically changes colors in this half-manic, half-LOL grapple with self-realisation in the face of small-town mentality. But…why nature? Well, according to MONTI, “Nature is dope, and when the sky changes its colours, it looks pretty sick.” 

See for yourself:

You can catch MONTI live in Aarhus November 18th​ and at Radar onDecember 9th​.