Is It OK to Steal from Rich People?

Kim Kardashian – a rich person with lots of stuff. (Photo via)

I know, I know – we were all brought up to understand that stealing is wrong. But is stealing really that wrong when the person you’re taking stuff from has a tonne of stuff left over?

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Like, would Kim Kardashian really notice if one of her lip glosses went missing? Or, IDK, would Donald Trump notice if a floor of one of his towers was quietly converted into a spa-cum-private-department-store? It’s a difficult question, and one we’re still unsure of how to answer. This guy thinks stealing from rich people isn’t wrong, but the law still thinks it is. Help us public – who is right? Is it OK to steal from rich people?

Sarah, 28, designer: No, it’s never okay to steal from anyone, not even a dog.

What if the dog didn’t notice?
You just don’t steal from another… stealing is wrong. You make efforts to make the ridiculously rich less rich, but that’s a different thing. You don’t steal.

Okay, OK – jeez.

Emma, graphic designer, 25, Urm, no.

Why not?
I would just never steal from anyone, I don’t think.

Not even a grain of rice?
I think no matter how big or small, if you steal something it will come back round. Like karma.

Kieran, 34: Well, I’m very rich, so if you stole from me – no.

Would you steal from someone richer than you?

Because you don’t need to?


Mehmet, 25, barber I don’t think so. It’s not a good thing to take from someone rich, you know.

So you think it’s wrong?
Yeah, I think it’s wrong. You know that it’s not yours, you’re going to lose sleep. Your heart won’t be clean.

How sweet. What if you’re not such a romantic?
Yeah, if you’re a bad person maybe it’s worth doing.

Nathan, 24, traveller: I guess it’s still a crime regardless of who you steal from.

What if you could get away with it?
I mean, if it were me, yeah, I’d probably do it. If no one was going to catch me.

So it’s just about getting caught, not morals.
Yeah, I guess so.

No wonder you didn’t want your face in the photo.

Previously – What’s the Strangest Situation You Could Realistically Wake Up to?