Kanye West Went All Out for Kim Kardashian on Mother’s Day

Photo via Kim Kardashian’s Instagram

Kanye West will prove himself to be one of the most interesting and perplexing figures of our time. One quality he has that’s pretty undeniable is his giant heart, and amount to which he cares for those he loves. Which is why today on Mother’s Day, he straight up arranged for a full on orchestra to play inside his house for his wife, Kim Kardashian. Most people probably get their mother a card or some flowers at most, but clearly Kanye will go the extra length to make sure his wife has an amazing day. In year’s past he’s also given her about an arboretum’s worth of flowers, so really it’s a tradition at this point. He also took to Twitter and posted a picture of an old necklace he found of his mother, Donda, and wrote a very touching note. Thanks Kanye! Totally not crying or anything.

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