Can you believe those fucking dumbshits in the Insane Clown Posse don’t know how magnets work? What a bunch of stupid, poorly-educated, lower-class stupidy stupids, right? It’s almost like their impoverished upbringing placed such little importance on learning that their current understanding of basic physical science is deficient. Fucking tards.
Anyways, everybody knows how magnets work (I mean “le DOYE,” you know?). To prove this point we went to Union Square to let a bunch of regular schmoes and schmoinas drop some science on those fucking idiot, awestruck, white trash, positive-minded simpletons.
Videos by VICE
Vice: How do magnets work?
Borrontoe: Wow, I like that question. I know there are polar opposites, positive and negative. Some sort of electric energy I guess.
Where did you learn this?
I’m just guessing.
What type of education do you have?
I finished high school… and I’m a multimedia artist.
Would you consider the principles behind magnetism to be more scientific or magical?
A combination of both. Because before science could prove anything it would seem like magic and at the same time there are some things that science can’t prove. So I guess the whole feel is that for something that interesting to actually work is crazy.
Vice: How do magnets work?
Scott: It’s a tricky question actually, but to go into detail of how they work–I can’t give you an exact answer. I know they can go on anything magnetic–hence the word magnet–but it’s an answer I can’t give you.
OK, could you use any other words to describe magnets?
I like “mystical.” Magnets are basically a mystical fact of the world in the way magnets work. It’s something that I’ve never thought about before. Something that is so simple that you can do with anything. It’s just a mystery that boggles my mind. I’m going to be thinking about it the rest of the afternoon.
What’s your education level?
I have a Bachelor in fine arts.
Vice: Fucking magnets, how do they work?
Nichs: Magnets? Negative and positives coming together.
Can you elaborate on that at all?
Well, for me when it comes to magnets I’m trying to make the two positives come together, but it’s not working out.
Wait, what happened to the negatives and the positives?
No, straight positives man. I’m trying to make them bond but it’s not working. I think I’ve got to fix my hypothesis and thesis and all that bullshit
Vice: In your opinion, how do magnets work?
Elena: Whatever has the scientific thing on the back you just stick it and it works.
What is the scientific thing?
Whatever they put on the back of the magnets. I don’t really know too much about magnets.
Would you call it magic?
No, it’s not magic.
So magnetism is fully within the scientific sphere of stuff?
I think it is just some smart people saying lets just put something on the back so it can stick like a sticker.
Vice: How do magnets work?
Bill: Magnets work by an electronic attraction.
And what causes that attraction?
That’s the best I can do.
Is there any magic involved?
No, no it’s scientific.
What is your level of education?
I have an Associates degree.
Vice: Can you tell me how magnets work?
William: Well, magnets are like two pieces of metal that are negative or positive. It can either lock together or can be pulled apart.
What do you mean by locked together?
The two parts connect.
What makes them connect?
Something about gravity? The waves. Like the sun and the earth. It’s the pull or something like the pull.
The gravitational pull?
Yeah, the gravitational pull of the magnets. It’s what keeps it together.
Would you consider magnets either magical and/or miraculous?
No, I wouldn’t call it magic. None of that stuff.
What is your level of education?
I finished high school
Vice: Quick, how do magnets work?
James: How do magnets work? I think it’s some kind of kinetic energy going on.
Can you explain where the kinetic energy comes from or what it is?
Just some type of force that comes from one object to another and attracts them to each other.
Is this force a miracle?
No, I think it’s scientific.
When is the last time you used one?
I use them for the refrigerator. You know putting things on the refrigerator, reminders and things like that.
What is your level of education?
I did two and a half years of college.
Vice: How do magnets work?
Susan: Well magnets have poles on either end and they have… I’m not exactly sure how to describe those poles–the elements of them. But there is an electrical component that is unequal and the negative poles attract the positive poles and the negative poles push away the negative poles.
Can you describe what is around the poles?
A magnetic field.
Do you know where the field comes from?
I know you can use magnetic energy to produce electricity and you can use magnetic energy to elevate vehicles in a very advanced way, but I couldn’t really give you the nitty gritty of my fifth-grade education.
Vice: The question is how do magnets work?
Mike: How do magnets work? Magnets are a root rudimentary form of love. The most rudimentary form of attraction in the universe.
So your saying it’s not really a scientific thing? Mystical?
It’s a scientific thing but you can’t eliminate one of the basic element’s creations, which is the attraction of opposites.
Vice: Do you think there’s anything shady going on with scientists and what they tell us about magnets?
Daniel: Oh no, it’s pretty straight forward, we know what’s going on.
So, do you know exactly how magnets work?
Well, they’re made of a ferrous material in which all of the atoms are going in the same direction, and so because they have slight magnetism in the atom with all of them going the same direction they create magnetism.
Easy PZ, and your level of education?
College dropout.