“ten Pages Of Portraits” Af Tim Barber juli 1, 2009, 8:00pm Del X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard PHILIPPE GERLACH BORU O’BRIEN O’CONNELL Videos by VICE CASPER BALSLEV MICHELE ABELES ANDREW TYSON ANN WOO SANTIAGO MOSTYN AARON MCELROY ALEXANDER BINDER JERRY HSU Merefra VICE Screenshot: Activision/Blizzard I Can’t Wait for People To Get Clapped by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in ‘Call of Duty: Black Ops 6′ 1 time siden Af Shaun Cichacki Screenshot: Atmos Games, LLC ‘Twisted Tower’ Mixes ‘Bioshock’ With A Carnival Attraction, and the Demo Blew Me Away 2 timer siden Af Shaun Cichacki Corey Perrine/Getty Images Eagles Fans Get Free Rides to the Super Bowl Parade Thanks to Tequila Company 2 timer siden Af Kyle Phillippi Iryna Pakhomova/Getty Images What to Do When Your Hurkle-Durkling Shifts to Unhealthy Bed-Rotting 2 timer siden Af Sammi Caramela