Watch Tupac Discuss Income Inequality and Donald Trump in This Unaired 1992 Interview Clip

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Income inequality. Giving people a level economic playing field. Donald Trump.

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You’d be forgiven for assuming that someone bringing these topics up was talking about the 2016 presidential election. But Tupac was talking about these things in 1992. In a previously unaired interview clip that MTV News posted on their website this afternoon, Tupac holds forth for several minutes about the mindset of greed and individualism that he perceived as having a negative effect on the country—and of which he considered current presidential candidate (then businessman) Donald Trump a prime example.

“You’re taught that from school, big business, everywhere: You want to be successful? You want to be like Trump?” he says. Then it’s “gimme gimme gimme, push push push, step step step, crush crush crush. That’s how it all is.”

He goes on to discuss the concept of wealth inequality and the fact that there are people with massive resources and yet there are still people whose basic needs aren’t met. “There’s no way that these people should own planes and there are people that don’t have houses,” he says. He later adds, “These are the people that get humanitarian awards. Millionaires. How can they be humanitarians by—the fact that they’re millionaires and there’s so many poor people shows how unhumane they are.”

He goes on to suggest living more modestly. It’s a great clip that shows how both smart and visionary young Tupac really was (he had just turned 21 when this video was filmed). Watch the full thing below, via MTV News.

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