Watch Life Erode and Planets Implode in WHO IS LOUIS’ New “Sun and Moon” Video

Life is nothing but a never-ending slew of questions. What is the meaning of life? How do you erase internet browsing history? Why are there so many D-A-D tribute bands? We fight and struggle to find the answers, sometimes for years at a time, only to have deeper, more intricate and unanswerable questions pop up and take their place.

So who is this WHO IS LOUIS, you ask? Are they answerers or askers of questions? Well, they’re neither. And both. The whisper and the roar, the darkness and the light, the question and the answer. But more tangibly, they’re an Aarhus-based electro trio manufacturing atmospheric synth pop, and they just dropped this undeniably pleasurable mindfuck of a video.

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“Sun and Moon” is off of self-titled album Who Is Louis released in March of this year, and will satisfyingly numb your nerves as the soft la-la-la-la-la’s of German transplant Greta Louise Schenk’s vocals clash with the esoteric, harp-sounding twangs and synths. The video created by William Reynish and Marie Boye Thomsen features bizarre yet aesthetically pleasing shapes and cosmic exploration, mirroring the dreamy nature of “Sun and Moon” as it floats you through the fabric of time and space like an out-of-body experience.

WHO IS LOUIS might not help you find all of the answers you’re looking for, but seeing as you’ll be surfing the universe, high atop a glorious wave of synths, we’re betting you won’t care.

You can catch WHO IS LOUIS live at Raw Festival this Thursday, May 26th.