This story is over 5 years old.

Question Of The Day

What Kind of Dinosaur Would You Be?

Which dinosaur was the best? Like, would it be better to be a gigantic t. rex or a nimble velociraptor? A flying pterodactyl or a spiky stegosaurus? We hit the streets of New York to find out.
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Dinosaurs were some bad motherfuckers back in the day. They had sharp teeth, ate each other, and could grow bigger than the Coney Island Wonder Wheel. If it wasn't for that big ass asteroid that hit Earth a long time ago, they would still be around today making the water in cups ripple and turning .

Anybody with half a brain recognizes how cool these creatures were when they had their turn at the top of the food chain, the real conundrum is which kind of dinosaur was the best. Like, would it be better to be a gigantic t. rex or a nimble velociraptor? A flying pterodactyl or a spiky stegosaurus? We hit the streets of New York to find out.


Tommy, works at Nordstrom 

Tommy: Actually, I just went to the new Dinosaurs Park in Secaucus, New Jersey.

Was it like Jurassic Park
Yeah, you should go. They have fake dinosaurs, big electronic ones that move, and it's a really fun experience.

Which was your favorite? 
The t. rex is awesome. They have great personalities and could kick your ass.

Jim, professor at NYU

Jim: I am not a dinosaur fancier. I know a lot of kids that can say all of the names perfectly and are utterly captivated, but I would have to say that I am not a part of that culture.

What if you could be a dinosaur? 
I wouldn't want to be. To me, the whole culture of the dinosaurs, all that dinosaurs represent, is something that properly came and went. It's not something that interests me. I'm just happy sitting on this bench.

Judy, student 

Judy: Um, the t. rex?

Because it's the biggest.

Is that the only dinosaur you know? 

Henny, being an awesome kid who wears Gogol Bordello t-shirts 

Henny: The swamp dinosaur.

Because it lives in the swamp in the deep dark night.

Do you want to live in a swamp? 

Matty, visual merchandiser 

Matty: The triceratops, because it comes with three horns.

As opposed to? 
A di-ceratops or a uni-ceratops.

I didn't know those existed. 
I don't know either, but three is the best.

Is three your lucky number? 

Moses, being a decent human being

Moses: I guess representative democracy, because it's totally outdated and reeks havoc across the entire planet.


That's your favorite dinosaur? 
I consider it a dinosaur, though it's not extinct.

Oh, was that like a political joke? It wasn't funny. Really, what's your favorite dinosaur? 
Do you remember what kind Little Foot was? The one with the long neck who ate a lot of leafy greens?

I think he was a brontosaurus. 
I'm into that.

Is it because you're a vegetarian? 
Yea, I don't eat animals.

So you don't eat dinosaurs? 

You're missing out. 

Previously - What Would You Do if You Saw Someone Eating Someone Else's Face?