This story is over 5 years old.


The Cheek Of It All

Sydney is slowly but surely emerging from a shit-scene.
Κείμενο Pink Lady

Photo by Aaron

The scene in Sydney has been bullshit for a while now. There hasn’t been a good local rock n’ roll band that we’ve been excited about for ages. However, with the emergence of The Cops, everyone had better prepare themselves for the first trans-Australian party phenomenon since the days that you only hear about on VH1 documentaries. VICE: The Cops, huh? Thank you for existing.
Simon: Look man, we’ve been lurking around the Sydney scene in different band institutions and simply decided to pool our sass and education to form a band that loves to get down, talk shit and play party tunes. You guys are getting all of this attention from the industry but the kids have no idea that you even exist. What the fuck?
Simon: We crop-dusted the CD to a few industry guys, word started to spread from there and then, all of a sudden, it was like, “Bring it on bitch!” What about nature? This is the nature issue, you know.
Simon: Heavy shit, man, in a “there’s-a-bear-fucking-knicking-my-vinyl” kinda thing.
Stacks: An overweight lady explained the meaning of au naturel to me once. The jury’s still out on that one. PINK LADY