
Taji’s Mahal – Stockton’s Bums


For this week’s Mahal, FDR shredder Matt Gilbert invited me to an art show by Sean Stockton, his ex-Woodward skate counselor. I have seen Sean skating around in the past but never imagined that he was also creating some of the coolest art known to the mankind. His show, “Stocktons,” opened Thursday night in SoHo where I got to shoot photos and have a chat with the man himself.

VICE: How did you go from skateboard counselor at Woodward to artist in NYC?
Sean Stockton: Woodward was a fun way to get me back to Cali, then I got hurt and moved here and just started hustling—learning new things I never knew before.

Videos by VICE

Have you been skating here in the 20 degree weather?
I love skating in this weather.

Who do you base the bums in your art off of?
Me. Yeah me and my homie walked by one and I was thinking I could make one of me so I could make a little extra money while I worked in the studio. An hour or two later we had a bum.

Where do you get the gear they are wearing?
Those are all my bum-ass clothes and shoes.

What inspires you to invent and explore within so many different mediums?
I think about ideas all the time and as I got older I decided it would be cool to make shirts then why not learn to make shoes or anything I can think of that day. I just have fun making stuff no matter the medium. I like making things with my hands.

Who are the characters in your doodles?
Kinda beat up looking dudes. I’m not very good at making realistic or pretty drawings so I feel like the more scruff and haggard I make them the more I like ‘em.

What about those long belt-like doodles?
Those were fun messing around with. I like textiles, patterns, hieroglyphics, and I was probably stoned.

What is the story by behind your show?
Bums. When I made the first bum my homie was juiced and I just asked him if he wanted to do a show with a bunch of bums. Basically everything is found or reclaimed. Anything I bought a bum could afford.

What are your plans for the future?
I just wanna keep making new stuff and not blow it. Travel with my wife, maybe get a job designing shoes. I’d like a garage and a yard for my dog.

The show runs from January 31st – March 6th. For all inquiries please email,

9 Great Jones Street
Second Floor
New York City

Photos and Words by Taji Ameen.
