
Talking Knots, Fish and Fishing with Sydney Band Fishing


Sydney band Fishing is playing our VICE Presents party in Sydney this week (alongside our up-til-now secret guests Eric Wareheim and DJ Dougg Pound, as well Pelvis and BT Magnum). We asked them what we thought were tricky questions about fishing, fish and knots. They made our questions look like whiny little bitches.

See Fishing live on Wednesday night at Good God. Entry’s free, thanks to Grolsch and Sailor Jerry. So long as your RSVP here

Videos by VICE

VICE: What are your all time favorite fishing knots?

Doug: Bowline Hitch that’s definitely my favorite knot.

Russ: Locked Half Blood Knot, Double Uni Knot, Lefty’s Loop Knot.

Doug: My pop was a sailor and when we were kids we used to play cards with nana and he used to teach us knots, so the ‘Pop Knots’.

Russ: We’re all about tying things to other things.

What’s the biggest fish you’ve caught?
Russ: I can’t actually remember.

Doug: I went deep sea fishing once and pulled up some pretty big fish.

Russ: I caught a big trout once, good time in my life.

What is your stance on the super-trawler?
Doug: Bad.

Russ: The worst stance.

Is net fishing cheating?
Doug: As in the internet phishing ‘p-h’ or fishing with a net in real life?

Russ: Both of them are cheating.

Doug: It’s safe if you are one man with a net, getting them with a spear gun.

Russ: But if you’re phishing online with a ‘p-h’ thats also cheating, cause you’re destroying people’s lives.

If you were to imagine yourself as a fish, what fish would you be?
Russ: I would be the Australian Bass, they’re the best fish.

Doug: I’d love to be a Ray, a bottom dweller.

What would work on you as bait?
Russ: Golden Gaytimes… definitely.

Doug: If you’ve got Golden Gaytimes what do I get?

Russ: Booty.

Doug: Yeah booty on a string.

Do you think flying fish can be considered as birds?
Doug: Well I don’t think ducks can be considered fish.

Russ: Yeah the birds that swim and the fish that fly; they just want to be the other.

Doug: Out of all the birds and all the fish, they have the most chance of cross breading and becoming something.

Russ: Maybe the flying fish and the ducks should breed and create a thing that perpetually lives on the surface

True or false: fly fishing is for bitches.
Fishing: False, unequivocally false.

Fish tacos, are they Mexican or seafood?
Russ: Aw man I can’t do fish tacos.

Doug: I’ve never had one, I heard they are really tasty.

Russ: They’re neither Mexican nor seafood, they’re just something they shouldn’t be.

Doug: Are they a traditional thing?

Russ: Well ceviche is good, maybe is that a fish taco? Are they Mexican or seafood?

I don’t know they’re confusing. Do fish have souls?
Russ: Yeah?

Doug: I don’t want to be a dick but I reckon they don’t have souls.

Russ: Well I don’t really think humans have souls anyway, so lets give it a no. I would be jealous if a fish had a soul and I didn’t. But maybe animals have souls cause they’re just like purer beings and they don’t think about life as much.

But maybe they do think about life, just internally.
Russ: Or maybe there’s just one big animal soul and all the different individual animal souls are connected.

Like the Avatar tree?
Russ: Exactly, thats where God got the idea.