Kimberly Kane and Nate at the opening for These New York Streets
Nate “Igor” Smith is an unbearded photographer from Richmond who runs a site called drivenbyboredom, which is sort of like Last Night’s Party if Brontes was more into punk and hung out with slightly nuttier girls instead of nightly sluttier ones. Igor also shot some 1/3 of the pictures in the new Dos & Don’ts book, so naturally we wrote him an extremely nice bio for the contributors page, then promptly left it out of the version we sent to press. The denouement to this classic editorial gambit was when he got his copy of the book last week and we went “How’d ya like that bio? [eyebrow eyebrow]”
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Subsequent to breaking our glasses on his fist, Igor threw his first solo show at the Mishka store last Friday. It’s a series of stuff he shot on these New York streets called These New York Streets and it includes a huge, uncropped print of this beloved old DON’T, a bunch of photos of insanely harsh fights and their aftermath, and a mood-cleansing row of summer sidewalk shots, bikers BBQing, kids in the hydrant, etc and so forth.
You should go check it out while it’s there and get one of the gigundous prints to class up the wall above your couch. He also made a bunch of smaller prints, which have more of an urbane, Williamsburgian kitchen vibe if that’s more your speed. Here’s a bunch of pictures of the show and the opening party.
Photos by Taji Ameen and Nick Gazin