
  • Christmas in Palestine

    I spent Christmas in Bethlehem, Christ's birthplace, first in the international tourist hotspot of Manger Square, then in the hills surrounding it where there's fewer Nativity scenes and more posters honoring Palestinian martyrs and Fatah graffiti.

  • Darren Cullen Says Santa Is Stealing Jesus's Thunder

    Darren Cullen’s work does a good job of continually outraging the conservative press, who often use terms like “disturbing,” “grotesque,” and “freakish horror show” to describe his art. But they’re all clearly just right-wing stupid-heads who don’t...

  • All I Want for Christmas

    Truth be told, I want absolutely nothing for Christmas. I'd actually like to get rid of some crap in my life Vs. acquiring more stuff, but for the sake of this column I came up with a list of things I'd like for Christmas. Or for the holidays. Or...

  • A Very Messy Christmas

    So it's Christmas next week, which means most of you will be heading home to spend time with a couple of people you want to see and about nine people who are as fun as inflamed facial herpes on a first date. You know what helps in situations like that...

  • Being the Muslim at a Christmas Party

    As a Muslim from a Christian family, Christmas has historically been complicated for me. Converting to Islam as a teenager, part of what I wanted from my religion was a new identity; the differences between Christians and Muslims held more value for me...

  • Dear Costco Wholesaler, Make Me a Christmas Light Suit

    Basically I need you to wrap me up in lights all over my body and make me a symbol of holy matrimony and God and redemption and kindness and giving and big package gifts if you know what I mean.