The Fiction Issue 2012

  • Three Kinds of People on the Crosstown Bus

    Mostly it’s no-accounts and old ladies that ride the bus in this city. Most are fat. You never see these kinds of people on television.

  • A Bird of Heat in Kino Bay

    Our driver announced he had a copy of ‘Pájaro de Calor (Bird of Heat),’ the legendary literary artifact that is so rare it may as well not be real.

  • The Number

    “What it is, is that I want to have sex with you. I think it would be really good for me to have sex with you.”

  • Hunger Pangs on Paper

    Everyone knows (especially your dad) that if you aspire to be a writer, you’re going to go through life hungry.

  • On the Illness

    William was a puker. His expulsions—the color, consistency, and volume of a baby's—occurred after every sentence he spoke.

  • The Poet

    The less the poet wrote, the more books he bought. He was building a library for the person he wished he was. Or so he told himself.