Brody Dill, the 4-year-old Iowan who Marco Rubio hit in the head with a football, is still alive. We had gotten word he was doing OK, but now we have video confirmation.
His uncle, state senator Jack Whitver released a short video where Brody says he will be ready to catch the ball the next time Rubio comes to Iowa.
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It seems harsh of Uncle Jack to call it a “drop”, which puts the blame on Dill for not catching the ball. Why aren’t people in the mainstream media demanding that Rubio practice? He short-armed a wounded duck that landed behind his intended tiny receiver. Sure it was a catchable ball but Rubio could have put his receiver in a better position to succeed. But no, the typically conservative mainstream media refuses to touch this issue. Fortunately, I’m sure this will come up at the next Republican debate.