
A Porn Site Has Started Blocking North Carolina Users Over the State’s Anti-LGBT Law

Read: Are Your Porn Habits Racist?

The people of North Carolina have already lost a Springsteen concert over their state’s recent anti-LGBT “bathroom” law, and now they’re losing their pornography, too. According to Huffington Post, the porn site XHamster has begun blocking IPs in North Carolina from accessing their site and a veritable cornucopia of jerkoff material.

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Now when computer users across the state try to head over to the porn site, they’ll be met with a black screen instead of the dicks and boobs they wanted. XHamster also plans to replace the black screen soon with a petition to repeal the discriminatory law.

“We have spent the last 50 years fighting for equality for everyone and these laws are discriminatory which does not tolerate,” XHamster’s spokesman told the Huffington Post in a statement. “We will not standby and pump revenue into a system that promotes this type of garbage. We respect all sexualities and embrace them.

“I think that porn has the power to do what Bruce Springsteen can’t,” the statement continued.

HuffPo adds that XHamster also promotes the less-than-progressive Donald Trump in an advertisement on its site. What a world!