Activists broke into a US military base in Vicenza, Italy, last week and in an act of protest planted 200,000 marijuana seeds in and around the premises.
According to a press release on its website, 50 members of the Italian No Dal Molin movement broke into the US installation at Fontega on May 1. They then scattered the marijuana, as well as tomato and corn seeds, on the hillside “to liberate our land from the foundations of war.”
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No Dal Molin is an anti-war group formed during the 2000s to protest the construction of a new US base at Vicenza’s Dal Molin airport, which the group opposes for both political and environmental reasons.
A video and pictures posted on their Facebook page show members of the group, some wearing Guy Fawkes masks, cutting through a chain-link fence, spray painting slogans, and scattering seeds throughout the area.
“What the proponents hope to achieve within the perimeter of barbed wire is the largest US military presence in Europe — ready to intervene rapidly in any new theater of war that could open in Africa, the Middle East, or in Eastern Europe,” states No Dal Molin’s website.
Legal weed in Washington state has been completely screwed up. Read more here.
The main US Army Garrison in Vicenza, at Camp Ederle, is also home to the US Army Africa headquarters and is one of the largest US military presences in Europe. The No Dal Molin movement began protesting US plans to expand their military presence in 2006, with actions that included a sit-in at the Dal Molin airport, marching through the streets while banging pots and pans, and organizing demonstrations with thousands of concerned citizens of the town.
Organizers of the No Dal Molin Movement do not plan stopping at just planting seeds — they plan to hold a harvest festival in October once the marijuana plants are grown.
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