Americans Are Literally Begging Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to Take Over the US

We’re embarrassed for everybody in this photo. Screenshot via Twitter

Just when you thought Justin Trudeau couldn’t be more of a Disney hero caricature, two American dudes literally got on their knees and begged the Canadian Prince of Meme to step into the US presidential race.

As seen in this sad, sad video, the guys asked Trudeau, “Could you run for president here?” while the prime minister was getting smoked meat at a New York City cafe.

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Because that’s not in any way legally possible, nice guy Trudeau had to decline.

“It’s very simple, I’m not American born,” he said, clearly wary of entering into a contest with a known Birther like Donald Trump.

But the dudes, who probably weren’t at all thinking about how many social media views this story would get, just wouldn’t let it go.

“All our guys are so bad, they’re terrible,” said one, while the other chimed in, “They’re boring, weird, you have to settle for them.” Pretty apt descriptions for the current Republican and Democratic candidates, respectively.

Shit got awkward when the two grown men got on their knees and continued pleading with Trudeau to throw his hat into the ring.

“I don’t know if you noticed, I actually have a job, and it’s a pretty good one,” Canada’s panda-loving camp-counselor-in-chief said with a grin, which is the Trudeau equivalent of putting his foot down your throat.

Canadians really, really don’t need another reason to feel smug and superior to our neighbors down south, but now we’ve got one. Thanks, ‘Merica!

Follow Manisha Krishnan on Twitter.