
The Internet Is Freaking Out Over This Song Made from a Unicorn Drawing

Making music from image files (and vice-versa) has been a project of noise and glitch artists for years, but it normally yields a sort of cacophonous-yet-satisfying chaos. This is not the case with a picture of a Lisa Frank-status unicorn converted into a MIDI art composition by YouTube star Andrew Huang, which he posted over the long weekend.

Looking at the array of notes Huang captures on his computer screen in the video below, the eye expects a smashed-together clusterfuck of piano keys. But it’s not! As magical as the mythical creature from which he draws inspiration, Huang has somehow constructed a pleasing, 22-second string of chords.

Videos by VICE

Huang posted a tutorial inspired by the work of Aleksander Savant to his 600k+ followers last week, which you can peep here:

Follow Andrew Huang’s work on YouTube.


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