Desiigner packs enough energy in his being to keep himself going,even if “Outlet” wasn’t recognized for its in-the-red, incomprehensible appeal. Hot 97 DJ Megan Ryte recruited the Brooklyn rapper for her new show Breaking Records, which revolves around herself and guests attempting to break little-known world records. When you have absurd activities, Desiigner’s your man, and going for the fastest time to eat a bowl of Jell-O with chopsticks is as absurd as it gets. Listen to Desiigner’s near-bestial vocalizations and witness his boundless enthusiasm as he urges Ryte to finish her bowl, because he already has. Legendary.
Later, the duo try for “most leapfrogs in 30 seconds” and the whole thing ends, bizarrely, with Desiigner performing “Tiimmy Turner” (remember that one?) in a replica of the Oval Office. We’re not sure if this or anything else in the video counts as a political statement, but you will definitely be motivated in some way through this. Watch Desiigner’s episode of Breaking Records below.
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Phil is a Noisey staff writer. He’s on Twitter.
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