Chinese Robot Wins World Record for Walking

A team of Chinese researchers has just beaten the world record for furthest distance walked by quadruped robot. The champ’s name is Walker 1 and it shuffled a whopping 83.28 miles to victory on a single battery charge last week. A team called Xingzhe No.1, led by Professor Li Qingdu from the College of Automation of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, designed and built the long-legged robo-beastie, which more than doubled the previous record-holder from Cornell University. Alongside headline-making records like “world’s longest hoverboard ride,” this may not seem like that big of a deal. But when you watch the current, very non-Terminator caliber of metal men (and women?) at the DARPA Robotics Challenge earlier this year, well, you’ll get the idea.


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