Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA-01)
“The climate of the globe has been fluctuating since God created it.”
[Redding Record via Daily Kos]
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Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA-04)
“First, if global warming is caused by your SUV, why is it that we’re seeing global warming on every other body in the solar system? For the last decade or so, the Martian south polar ice cap has conspicuously receded. Pluto is warming – about two degrees Celsius over the past 14 years. Jupiter is showing dramatic climate change by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Even Neptune’s moon, Triton, has warmed five percent on the absolute temperature scale—the equivalent of a 22 degrees Fahrenheit increase on Earth – from 1989 to 1998.
If you have any doubt, just Google “Pluto Warming” or “Mars Warming” or whatever your favorite planet or former planet might be.”
[Congressman Tom McClintock, 4th District of California]
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Rep. Paul Cook (R-CA-08)
Voted in support of S.J. Res. 24, a “resolution of disapproval” under the Congressional Review Act that would nullify the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan—the first nation-wide limit on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, and key climate change policy.[League of Conservation Voters]
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Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA-10)
“We don’t have complete factual information yet. From what I have seen the Earth has heated and cooled on its own for centuries. I don’t know that there’s anything that is a direct cause of that right now, but we can do a better job of cleaning up our planet.”
[The Mercury News]
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Rep. Jim Costa (D-CA-16)
Voted in support of the Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 (H.R. 910), which relied on climate change denial to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions—additionally excluding carbon dioxide from the definition of “air pollutant”—as a means to prevent further global warming and harm to human health.
Call him: (202) 225-3341 | Email him
Rep. David Valadao (R-CA-21)
Voted in support of S.J. Res. 24, a “resolution of disapproval” under the Congressional Review Act that would nullify the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan—the first nation-wide limit on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, and key climate change policy.[League of Conservation Voters]
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Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA-22)
“As we evaluate this issue carefully, it is important to remember the scientific limitations which impact our understanding. Countless studies have been published – many of them contradicting – related to global warming. The fact of the matter is that there are aspects of climate science that are proven, and there are other aspects that have significantly less certainty. Scientists have documented that the Earth’s temperature is rising. However, scientists admit that they cannot be sure whether the Earth’s temperature is rising due to cyclical warming and cooling processes, or whether and how much humans are influencing it.”
[Vote Smart]
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Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-23)
“I think there are changes in the environment. There are a lot of items to contribute to it.”
[Wall Street Journal]
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Rep. Steve Knight (R-CA-25)
“For the past decade, California has embarked on a rash mission to curtail global warming. While there are several problems surrounding this campaign, the main one is economic in nature: we are adopting policies that are not embraced elsewhere in the world, at the expense of our economic future.”
[The SCV Beacon]
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Rep. Edward Royce (R-CA-39)
Voted in support of the Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 (H.R. 910), which relied on climate change denial to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions—additionally excluding carbon dioxide from the definition of “air pollutant”—as a means to prevent further global warming and harm to human health.
Call him: (202) 225-4111 | Email him
Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA-42)
Voted in support of the Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 (H.R. 910), which relied on climate change denial to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions—additionally excluding carbon dioxide from the definition of “air pollutant”—as a means to prevent further global warming and harm to human health.
Call him: (202) 225-1986 | Email him
Rep. Mimi Walters (R-CA-45)
Voted in support of S.J. Res. 24, a “resolution of disapproval” under the Congressional Review Act that would nullify the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan—the first nation-wide limit on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, and key climate change policy.[League of Conservation Voters]
Call him: (202) 225-5611 | Email him
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA-48)
“Too often, when congress is asked to pass environmental legislation, the legislation is based on emotional junk science rather than data based on reproducable [sic], rigorous, tested, peer-reviewed results. In no area has this been more obvious than climate change. Because the Kyoto Treaty and much of the suggested environmental legislation would decimate jobs in southern California, constituents may be interested to learn of the growing scientific consensus that global warming is not manmade, if it is in fact even occuring [sic].”
[Congressman Dana Rohrabacher]
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Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA-49)
“One of the difficulties in examining the issue of the climate change and greenhouse gases is that there is a wide range of scientific opinion on this issue and the science community does not agree to the extent of the problem or the critical threshold of when this problem is truly catastrophic.”
[Darrell Issa, United States Congressman]
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Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA-50)
“There is climate change. Is there human-caused climate change? I don’t buy that.”
[Times of San Diego]
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