It’s time, once again, to marvel at some idiots who don’t know how to handle the world:
Cry-Baby #1: Barber Middle School
Videos by VICE
The incident: A kid didn’t have 30 cents to pay for his breakfast in the school cafeteria.
The approriate response: Letting it slide.
The actual response: The cafeteria worker who was serving him threw his food in the trash.
Earlier this week, an unnamed 12-year-old boy at Barber Middle School in Dickinson, Texas, attempted to buy breakfast in the school cafeteria.
As part of a reduced meal program, the breakfast cost only 30 cents.
However, when the cafeteria worker who was serving the boy tried to charge his pre-paid school meal account, she found that it was empty.
Rather than give the child the meal for free, the cafeteria worker threw it in the trash.
The boy called his mother, Jennifer Castilleja, and told her what had happened.
Jennifer spoke to a member of staff from the school and offered to drive over and pay for her son’s breakfast, but the school refused. “She said, ‘no,’ I would have to bring some money before he could have breakfast,” Jennifer told ABC13.
“There were kids all around him. I think he may have been a little embarrassed and upset,” she added.
When ABC13 approached Barber Middle School for comment, the school stuck by their decision, claiming that Jennifer would have had plenty of warning that her son’s meal account was about to run out. In a written statement, they said: “Dickinson ISD’s procedure is that we do not allow student charges for breakfast. Many school districts follow this same procedure. Students get verbal warnings to let parents know once the account starts getting low. Written warnings are sent home to parents before the money runs out.”
Jennifer said that the account had no money because she forgot to refill it.
Cry-Baby #2: An unnamed Chinese guy.
Metro via @absolutkibria – images via Weibo
The incident: A puppy bit a guy on the finger.
The appropriate response: Nothing. Maybe moving yourself away from the puppy’s mouth if you’re a pussy.
The actual response: The guy beat the puppy and four other puppies to death.
Earlier this week the guy you see in the photos above was walking through a market in Jinan, Shandong province, China. He stopped at a stall that sold puppies, and picked one up to show to his female companion.
According to the woman who took the photos, the puppy bit him on the finger while he was holding it.
This, the photographer says, made him fly into a rage. He began yelling at the woman who owned the stall, demanding that she pay him compensation for his “injury.”
In a post on the social networking site Weibo, the photographer wrote, “When the old woman said she didn’t have any money to pay him, he announced that they were dangerous beasts and he was going to make sure they didn’t bit anyone else.” He then, she said, grabbed the puppies one by one and smashed them against the ground, killing them.
“The woman he was with was begging him not to lose his temper and to calm down but he didn’t care. The old woman was horrified,” she wrote.
According to the Mirror, local police are unable to do anything about the incident as the owner of the puppies did not file a complaint.
Which of these guys is the bigger cry-baby? Let us know in this poll right here:
Who is the bigger cry-baby?Winner: The school!!!