The dwarf planet Makemake eases deeper into its retrograde path in Libra, signaling a need to reconnect with your innermost environment. Be your own advocate. Makemake governs our activist and charitable spirit, and when it’s in retrograde, that energy turns inward. Use this time to take care of yourself, stargazer. Listen to your body when it needs to rest. Listen to your gut feelings. As the waning gibbous Moon forms a challenging square with Uranus retrograde, it might become more difficult to lean on your instincts. But don’t let this challenge dissuade you from trying.
Read your horoscope for the week, and see what the stars have in store for your sign today.
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Aries: March 21 – April 19
The direct opposition between your ruling planet, Mars retrograde, and the Sun continues in Cancer and Capricorn. Under the influence of a water and earth sign, respectively, you might feel more unsettled, emotional, or aloof than normal. Facing problems head-on has always been your thing. But for now, the cosmos suggests you try a different approach, Aries.

Taurus: April 20 – May 20
Uranus retrograde forms a challenging square with the waning gibbous Moon under your sign and Leo, signaling toward potential conflict in friendships and other close relationships. Unfortunately, this friction is a natural part of life. It’s up to you to decide whether the effort is worth the reward of the relationship, Taurus. You can’t rely on them to do it for you.

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Gemini: May 21 – June 20
A tense square between Mercury and Makemake retrograde in Capricorn and Libra signals toward an inability or unwillingness to listen to your inner voice. If you set aside your need to go along with others’ expectations, would you stay in this particular situation? This tumultuous alignment urges you to be honest with yourself, Gemini. Who can you trust but yourself?

Cancer: June 21 – July 22
Your ruling celestial body, the waning gibbous Moon, forms a fleeting but challenging square with Uranus retrograde in Leo and Taurus. A negative alignment between the emotion-driven Moon and rebellious Uranus suggests a relationship is pushing your boundaries or entering uncharted territory you’re not necessarily comfortable with. Those small internal moments of pause are worth listening to, Cancer.

Leo: July 23 – August 22
The Sun continues its direct opposition to Mars retrograde, creating hardship in areas of action, expansion, and growth. Plans might feel stalled or more sluggish than you’d like. Remember, Leo: you have more time than you think. Don’t work yourself into a frenzy over a perceived fear of lack of wiggle room. You have a better handle on this than you realize.

Virgo: August 23 – September 22
Your ruling planet, Mercury, forms a challenging square with Makemake retrograde in Libra. This dwarf planet’s placement and regressive path signal toward a desire for internal justice and peace. It’s time to stop setting your needs on the back burner, Virgo. Advocating for yourself can often come at the consequence of rocky roads ahead. Rest assured, stargazer: the destination is worth it.

Libra: September 23 – October 22
Makemake eases further into its retrograde period under your celestial domain, bringing issues of self-advocacy and self-care at the front of mind. Your desire to help and uplift others is truly admirable. But why do you think you should be exempt from this type of support? It’s time to start extending the same kindness you give to others to yourself, Libra.

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Scorpio: October 23 – November 21
Moving in the right direction doesn’t always feel as positive as you might expect, Scorpio. With the Sun conjoining with Pluto under inventive and trailblazing Aquarius, the cosmos is setting the stage for major transformation ahead. This might feel worse before it feels better. Push through the temporary discomfort. Prosperity awaits, but not if you let this challenge back you down.

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21
Jupiter retrograde continues its auspicious trine with Makemake, with the latter celestial body moving further into its retrograde period. As Makemake pushes you toward finding better ways to connect with and care for yourself, your ruling planet helps open your mind to possibilities you might not have considered before. The stars suggest it’s time to change things up, Sagittarius.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19
Mercury and Makemake retrograde form a challenging square in your celestial domain and Libra. This tense alignment indicates conflict in areas of self-care and self-preservation. The only thing worse than actively making things harder on yourself is being fully consciously aware of what you’re doing. While it might not seem like it, this means you’re one step closer to fixing it, Capricorn.

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18
Your ruling planet, Uranus retrograde, forms a tense square with the waning gibbous Moon in Taurus and Leo, respectively. Social relationships might feel more strained as the Moon’s flight through Leo shifts emotional focus toward friendships and other platonic connections. No two relationships are the same, Aquarius. Sometimes, a little experimentation is necessary. What’s the harm in trying it out?

Pisces: February 19 – March 20
Neptune and Mars retrograde offers a much-needed celestial boost as the cosmos prepares for the potent conjunction between Saturn and Venus under your sign. You’ll need to make your mind up about significant investments soon, Pisces. Now’s the time to take a closer look at those wonky gut feelings and pangs of doubt. Let there be no room for misinterpretation.
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