
Daily Horoscope: January 17, 2025

How will your sign fare today, stargazer?

Illustration by Reesa.

A square between Makemake retrograde and Mercury strengthens in Libra and Capricorn, respectively, highlighting problem areas in how we connect to, learn from, and empower ourselves. It can be so tempting to place this internal relationship on the back burner in order to prioritize more external connections. But you can’t have the latter without a healthy handle on the former, stargazer. As Venus and Saturn inch closer toward their total conjunction, the cosmos reminds us that the best things in life, whether love, financial prosperity, or both, require hard work. The fact that this feels like a challenge is normal, not an exception.

Read your horoscope for the week, and see what the stars have in store for your sign today. 

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Aries glyph  weekly horoscope

Aries: March 21 – April 19

The harmonious trine between Mars retrograde and Neptune offsets some of the more significant challenges presented by the direct opposition between your ruling planet and the Sun. Don’t let the sluggish energy of Mars retrograde convince you there isn’t a way around the obstacles you’re facing, Aries. With Neptune in the mix, the stars are suggesting you use your imagination for a solution.

Aries monthly horoscope

Taurus glyphs  weekly horoscope

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

The conjunction between your ruling planet, Venus, and Saturn grows closer to locking into place under Pisces, highlighting the need for discipline and responsibility in matters of love and finance. While you might be quick to assume this only means overspending, don’t be so certain this is what the cosmos is signaling. Greed and stinginess have just as adverse side effects, Taurus.

Taurus monthly horoscope

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Gemini: May 21 – June 20

The square between Mercury and Makemake retrograde continues, prolonging frustrations and conflict around matters of self-care and self-preservation. The stars are laying out a crystal clear message for you, Gemini. You mustn’t allow your desire to please others supersede your need to advocate and support yourself. If you don’t do it, who will? You owe it to yourself to speak up.

Gemini monthly horoscope

Cancer glyph  weekly horoscope

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

The waning gibbous Moon flies through Virgo, making it somewhat easier to find behaviors, ideas, or even relationships to release under the influence of this dwindling lunar phase. The waning gibbous Moon invites us to let go of what’s holding us back as we move further toward the restful rejuvenation of the dark new Moon. Allow Virgo’s no-nonsense energy to guide you, Cancer.

Cancer monthly horoscope

Leo glyph  weekly horoscope

Leo: July 23 – August 22

The Sun’s favorable sextile with Neptune adds a tricky element to the direct opposition of your ruling celestial body and Mars retrograde. While Neptune can certainly lend positive energy to a cosmic forecast, this planet is also notorious for its deceiving ways. Giving into easy falsehoods becomes more tempting around this time. Not every mishap is a sign to turn around, Leo.

Leo monthly horoscope

Virgo glyph  weekly horoscope

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

The waning gibbous Moon passes through your celestial domain, shifting emotional focus toward unnecessary burdens that are keeping you tied down to this particular stage of growth. You don’t need the stars to tell you what those anchors are, Virgo. But you might as well let them encourage and support you as you go through the arduous process of freeing yourself from the past.

Virgo monthly horoscope

Libra glyph  weekly horoscope

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Your ruling planet, Venus, eases further into its conjunction with Saturn in Pisces. Meanwhile, Makemake retrograde maintains its path in your celestial domain, reinforcing concepts of taking care of or watching out for yourself. You have to be your best advocate, Libra. Why would—or should—you entrust that duty to anyone else? The long-lasting rewards will make up for this temporary discomfort.

Libra monthly horoscope

Discover what the stars reveal about your future – connect with expert astrologers on Keen.com

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Pluto and the Sun’s conjunction continues on the cusp of Aquarius, creating an energy of change and transformation. Things are slowly falling into place for you, Scorpio. Try not to question it, and just let the chips fall where they may. You’ve gotten yourself this far. Allow yourself to enjoy the fruits of your labor for once. You deserve this.

Scorpio monthly horoscope

Sagittarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Your ruling planet, Jupiter retrograde, forms a challenging square with the waning gibbous Moon in Gemini and Virgo. Jupiter’s placement in a flexible air sign makes it easier to keep an open mind to new ideas. But it can also increase gullibility. Conversely, the managerial lunar phase’s trek through Virgo can heighten criticism of yourself and others. Tread carefully, Sagittarius.

Sagittarius monthly horoscope

Capricorn glyph  weekly horoscope

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

The conjunction between your ruling planet, Saturn, and Venus comes even further to completion under Pisces. Under this alignment, the stars will urge you to pay close attention to the emotional and financial investments you’re currently making. Just because you think you should follow a certain path doesn’t necessarily mean you should, Capricorn. Hard work is great. Mindful work is better.

Capricorn monthly horoscope

Aquarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

The sextile between Uranus retrograde and Mars retrograde continues in Taurus and Cancer. Both planets are in celestial domains of an opposite element, increasing internal conflict as the dissonance between certain ideas or people becomes more tangible. Work not to take things personally during this time, Aquarius. Assuming the worst is an easy copout. The stars urge you to dig a little deeper.

Aquarius monthly horoscope

Pisces glyph weekly horoscope

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Neptune holds its positive alignments with the Sun, a sextile, and Mars retrograde, a trine. The conjunction between Venus and Mars in your celestial domain also strengthens, raising questions and discussions over emotional and financial investments. This sort of long-sighted planning isn’t typically your style, but with Uranus and Jupiter in retrograde, now is the time for switching things up.

Pisces monthly horoscope

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