
Elizabeth Warren Slams ‘Loser’ Donald Trump in Twitter Tirade

Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s fury is typically focused on corporate greed and the big banks that caused the financial crisis, but she unleashed it on a new target today: Donald Trump.

The former Harvard law professor, who has attracted a huge following within the progressive Democratic community, went on a Twitter tirade on Monday afternoon after largely staying out of the presidential race, repeatedly calling the Republican frontrunner a “loser” who has a little too much in common with historical authoritarians for her liking.

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The flurry of tweets marks Warren’s full-fledged foray into the 2016 race. She has largely stayed out of presidential politics this year, even after Trump overwhelmingly won her home state of Massachusetts in February. The attack comes just a week after Warren posted a note critical of Trump to her Facebook page, calling on “decent people everywhere” to reject the Republican frontrunner.

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Warren has yet to endorse either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary. In fact, Warren is the only female senator who has not signed on to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Clinton narrowly won Warren’s home state of Massachusetts last month, but the senator’s absence from her long list of congressional endorsements has not gone unnoticed. Sanders, meanwhile, has hinted that Warren could be a potential running mate.

Warren argued on Twitter that Trump could still win the president election, telling her 268,000 Twitter followers that it is time to stop him.

Trump, uncharacteristically, has yet to respond on Twitter. He is in Washington, DC today meeting with Republican members of Congress, giving reporters a tour of his soon-to-be-open hotel near the White House, and delivering a speech tonight to a major pro-Israel conference.

Asked about Warren’s tweets at a press conference this afternoon, Trump said: “Who is that, the Indian? You mean the Indian?”

Trump was referring to a controversy during Warren’s 2012 election to the Senate, in which the Boston Globe revealed that she had claimed to be a Native American while working at Harvard, which touted her minority status. Warren is reportedly 1/32 Cherokee and, at the time, the incident was dubbed her “birther moment.” Conservative blogs derisively dubbed her “Fauxcahontas.”

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This is the second time in as many weeks that Trump has brought up the controversy. Asked about Warren’s initial Facebook last week, Trump told New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd: “She’s got about as much Indian blood as I have. Her whole life was based on a fraud. She got into Harvard and all that because she said she was a minority.”

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