Former Canadian Prime Minister Calls Trump a Motherfucker

Kim Campbell and Donald Trump.

The first and only female Prime Minister in Canadian history kicked off the new year by calling Donald Trump a motherfucker. Well, technically, a “motherf**ker.”

Kim Campbell—who was Canada’s 19th Prime Minister, taking over the Progressive Conservative party for Brian Mulroney who retired from politics in 1993— tweeted, on Saturday, that “he really IS a motherf**ker.”

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Campbell, who Trudeau just announced as the chair of a board advising the PMO on Supreme Court nominees, has since deleted the tweet, was quote tweeting a Politico story which featured a video showing the president speaking about his border wall. Her comments calling him a motherfucker was in reference to Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib who in a speech said we’re going to “impeach the motherfucker.” Before being deleted, Campbell’s post was retweeted upwards of 2,000 times.

Campbell, who served 132 days in office before eventually losing the 1993 general election to Liberal Jean Chrétien, has been openly critical of Trump, both on and off of social media—a large portion of her open criticism of the man is in regards to his treatment of women.

While Campbell has deleted the tweet she hasn’t backed down nor apologized. Shortly after the tweet went out she said and said: “if you don’t get the reference to the comment by Congresswoman Talaib—can’t help you.” Just recently she pushed back on Newsweek’s coverage of the tweet.


Trump and his fans have feigned outrage over Tlaib’s remarks with Monsieur “Grab ‘Em By The Pussy” himself saying she “dishonoured herself and dishonoured her family.” Some conservatives in Canada have since done similar, attempting to paint Trump as the victim. In an editorial in the Toronto Sun—a paper whose editorial board is dedicated to defending the honour of the Ford brothers and routinely pushes back on the “SJWs”—clutched their pearls and told her to “clean up her act.”

“It’s unacceptable for any public figure to call any other public figure that phrase, let alone the former PM of Canada hurling it at the American president,” reads a portion of the editorial who said “jaws were dropped” by the comment. Other commentators and pundits echoed similar bullshit.

It’s almost like they have double standards or something and all this talk regarding civility and political correctness is just a cynical political exercise.

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