
Gen Z Doesn’t Know How to Change a Lightbulb

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How many Gen Zers does it take to change a lightbulb? Too many, a new study claims.

UK retail company Halfords recently conducted a survey of 2,000 adults, ranging from Gen Z (18-27-year-olds), millennials (28-44), Gen Xers, (45-60), and baby boomers (60+).

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The results provide ample evidence that Zers have now supplanted millennials as the targeted “lazy generation.”

According to the survey, 25% of the younger generation don’t know how to change a lightbulb. They cited concerns about climbing a ladder or that the bulb might be “too hot.”

Moreover, 30% of the group could not identify a flathead screwdriver, and 21% couldn’t recognize a wrench. Less than half knew how to put air in a car’s tires or replace a windshield wiper.

“The ability to do basic, practical tasks is being lost amongst younger generations,” said Halfords’ Andy Turbefield. “Motoring knowledge, in particular, appears to be on the decline, with many reluctant to take on even the most basic tasks.”

less than half of Gen Z adults surveyed knew how to put air in their car’s tires

Instead, the study claims, Gen Zers rely on their parents for help or pay service workers to accomplish the tasks.

They spend, on average, over $1,500 per year to hire help for household chores, Halfords found. This compared to around $450 for Gen Xers and $300 for boomers.

NYU Langone psychologist Yamalis Diaz attributes growing up in the digital age to the generation’s practical struggles.

“So much of their (and all of our) lives are automated, convenient, and outsourced, which today’s generation of young people have benefited from way more than past generations,” she explained.

“It makes complete sense that Gen Z simply doesn’t know how to do as much with regard to non-tech or independent tasks,” Diaz claimed. “They simply haven’t really had to.”

Don’t worry, Zers. In no time at all, it’ll be Gen Alphas’ turn to get roasted for being lazy and poor.