A wisdom-spouting squirrel searches for his lost winter wear in The Missing Scarf (2013), an award-winning short animation from Irish animator Eoin Duffy. The premise is as elegant and layered as its animation style: the 3D low-poly Albert the squirrel seeks his favorite scarf among his fellow woodland critters, but winds up helping with their fears and problems instead.
Guided by George Takei’s steely narration, the film earned Duffy top honors over the past year at respected venues like the Toronto Animation Arts Festival, San Francisco International Film Festival, and the Provincetown International Film Festival. After making its competitive rounds, The Missing Scarf is now finally available for the world’s Netizens to see on Duffy’s Vimeo page.
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Without spoiling too much, make sure you keep watching until the end—the charming mix of animated origami and vector-based illustration is far from the film’s only draw. Admire Duffy’s distinctive vector art style in the still frames below, and be sure to watch The Missing Scarf in full, above.
For more information on Eoin Duffy, check out his website here.
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