
Hackers Have Sent Bomb Threats To An Airline Using Tame Impala’s Twitter Account

Image: Sarah Buthmann

Kevin Parker and Tame Impala are considered some of coolest and most chill guys in the music game so fans were surprised on Sunday afternoon when tweets from their Twitter account threatened to bomb airplanes. It turns out that the Fremantle band’s Twitter feed was hijacked by hackers who began tweeting the bomb threats to JetBlue Airways and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey. “I have 15 C4’s in my bag and 12 pipe bombs in my bag also I’m going to blow up one of your airlines in 30 minutes” threatened one tweet.

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The tweets have since been deleted.

Other Twitter accounts that have been hijacked over the last 24 hours include Bon Iver, the Rolling Stones’ Keith Richards and members of Bring Me the Horizon and Twenty One Pilots.

Bon Iver’s Twitter name @boniver was changed to “@ihavelegcancer,” and insensitive comments were made about the late Muhammad Ali. Those tweets have since been deleted.

Earlier on Sunday speculation that US actor Jack Black had died was the work of a hacker who posted messages on his band Tenacious D’ official Twitter account.