In the midst of an economic depression, there are two forms of media that have proven a cheap, foolproof way of making money: porn and reality. Everyone loves nakedness and most people love getting insight into the life of a stranger, so when Hunter Moore combined the two in 2010 with his now defunct website,, he filled a gap in the market that hundreds of thousands of people had apparently been desperately looking for. The site was an early exponent of “revenge porn,” which essentially boils down to scorned break-up’ees sending in naked photos of their exes with graphic descriptions of what they were like in bed.
Obviously a lot of people—feminists, parents, victims, humans with morals—weren’t too happy about this, and Hunter quickly earned the title of “The Most Hated Man on the Internet.”
Videos by VICE
Since closing isanyoneup (in an effort to “stand up against under-age bullying,” supposedly), Hunter has been doing much the same as he was doing before: DJing, “nailing chicks,” and sharing the graphic photos and stories on his blog. I caught up with him to find out what it takes to be a modern-day internet-porn success (it mostly involves being a complete, fucking asshole, btw).
VICE: So, Hunter, you’re the most hated man on the internet. How does that feel?
Hunter Moore: I don’t feel hated at all. I mean, I haven’t since I shut down isanyoneup, but maybe I’m just used to it now. I do have a lot of haters, but I’m not sure if I’m the most hated. I heard the guys from Nickleback aren’t liked very much on the internet, either.
Maybe, although didn’t you get stabbed?
Yeah, I did get stabbed. We had pictures of this girl doing drugs off of our penises and stuff, so we put it online. The party was at my house, so she knows where I live. She was fine with it, until the next day when she sobered up and saw the pictures. She came over here with her family to beat me up and, like, ninja’d me and stuck me in the arm with a pen.
A pen? Nice improvisation on her part, I guess. Has anything else like that happened?
I’m a big guy. If someone yelled some shit at me, I’d probably go and knock them out. I’ve had death threats before my shows and dumb shit like that, but they were just trolling. No one is going to fuck with me. I have more people that love me than hate me. Plus, I don’t know why the fuck you would come to my show to fight me when I have a thousand fans there. I hire security, but nothing has ever happened.
So does that mean you think it might kick off?
I want something to kick off, that’s the thing. If someone yelled some dumb shit and I knocked them out or I got beat up, it would be great content for my site… As long as I didn’t die.
Photo by Nate “Igor” Smith
Did you feel the heat more when was going?
Yeah, definitely. I was pissing people off. People were getting fired from their jobs or getting kicked out of school, or whatever. Back when the site first started, no one was submitting anything so I had to do everything myself. The girls on the site were all girls I’d meet at parties.
Would you say you’re sex-obsessed?
No. Fuck, I’d need a defibrillator on my dick to keep going. It’s fun to me, I don’t really take it very seriously. I like making fun out of people so it’s not about the sex, it’s about the chase and the story. So that’s what it is for me. The actual act is—whatever, you know? It’s about just knowing that I did it and showing off to other people.
You sleep with girls to show off, rather than for pleasure?
I love doing it. I fucking love doing it. It’s like a hobby, or something. Some people work on cars, I like having sex. I love making content for my site and my fans and everybody who reads it wants something crazier every time.
Are these girls not all complete idiots? Surely they know you’re going to write about them and ridicule them online?
Well, it’s gotten to the point now that girls fly here to fuck so that I’ll write a story about them. People want that now. It’s really weird. Girls will do a lot for attention and people will do a lot for more Twitter followers and Facebook likes and all that stuff.
Hunter explaining himself to Anderson Cooper.
Twitter followers? Jesus.
Yeah, it all comes down to numbers. Whoever has the biggest follower count gets more opportunity, basically. Or they get their little five minutes of fame. I have a platform and some want to use that for their advantage. No matter what they have to do.
They have to do you! Surely having naked pictures of yourself is going to stunt opportunities, though?
Yeah, it’s weird; some people don’t want to take the traditional route. A lot of people send the naked pictures to get jobs in the adult industry, too. But the one thing they have in common is they’re fucking retarded. That’s the similarity. They’re just stupid people. All I really do is take advantage of them; it’s just them being fucking retarded. I only associate with those people when I’m doing my events or my parties. I don’t completely surround myself with it, it’s the only way to stay sane.
Isn’t this just your five minutes of fame, too, though?
Yeah, maybe. I’m going to take advantage of it as much as I can now, obviously. I’m always re-branding, I’ll never just stay the same. I’ve made a lot of money on my own, so I’m going to keep this train going. As long as there are boobs, I don’t really see it falling down. I’m sure I’ll get bored and go legit at some point, then eventually come back to the dark side. I know how to make money doing this, though. I made $150,000 from a sex party business—I know how to manipulate people to make money.
Is that something you’re proud of?
No, it’s just a skill. If I could choose to play basketball really good, then I’d probably choose that over this. But, you know, I’ve been dealt this hand, so I’ve got to deal with it. I know you think it’s something evil, or something, but I just manipulate people, I’m not a fucking psychic or some shit. I guess it’s a skill.
Has what you’ve done closed doors?
It used to close every door, yeah. I’m banned on Facebook, Instagram, and Paypal for a start, so even trying to monetize my site was difficult.
You’ve got a new website in the works now, right?
Yeah, I’m bringing isanyoneup back and it’s going to be called IAU2. I’m really high and I know you’re gonna want all the details on it, but it’s going to be really hard for me to explain it all. Basically, it’s going to change the internet, it’s going to make the internet very, very scary, it’s going to make the world really, really small and people are going to basically get their dick sucked really, really fast. Gettng your dick sucked will be as easy as ordering a pizza on the internet.
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