
Is Your Grandma a Hoot? Nominate Her for ‘The Grammies’

I already know I’ll be entering my Italian mom-mom.

(Photos via TAWFICK E. / 102 NYC)

The Grammys are a major deal in the music industry, but this year, there’s another awards show of sorts to look out for: The Grammies.

According to a press release, The Grammies is an online competition recognizing first-rate “grammies” (or grandmothers) on social media. Judged by a panel of internet-famous grandmas across six categories, grandmothers from all over the internet can compete for six different awards:

Videos by VICE

  1. Best Facebook Presence — judged by @ourfilipinograndma 
  2. Craziest Story — judged by @crazyauntieann 
  3. Best Voicemail Message — judged by @the_devonmaid 
  4. Most Legendary Home Remedy — judged by @grandmaida82
  5. Sassiest Insult — judged by @grannysoffherrocker 
  6. Best Knick-Knacks — judged by @magdalife57 
grinvalds/Getty Images

If you think your grandma fits one of these categories, you can nominate her via a public TikTok or Instagram Reel to showcase her credibility. I already know I’ll be entering my Italian mom-mom for the sassiest insult award. 

It’s Officially ‘Grammies’ Season

To enter, make sure your post is public, tag @TheGrammies2025 on Instagram or TikTok, and specify the category you’re entering to win. 

“I’m really excited to be a judge for The Grammies,” said Jane McKennan, judge of Best Voicemail Message. “Younger people love to see what grandmas can do, that we have a sense of humor, and that we’re brilliant on the internet. This competition is a great way to prove that age is just a number.” 

Is Your Grandma a Hoot? Enter Her in 'The Grammies'
Photo via TAWFICK E. / 102 NYC

“We’re celebrating grandmas in such a fun, meaningful way,” added judge Nora Sangalang. “My category, ‘Best Facebook Presence,’ will showcase iconic grandma Facebook moments. Grandmas are naturally funny so they lead to truly great content.” 

Winners will receive a digital greeting card and a $100 gift card to “a classic grandma locale, like Michael’s Crafts or Applebee’s.”

Shit, I wish I was a grandma.