This story is over 5 years old.

Australia Today

The People Behind Lentil As Anything Have Opened a Free Supermarket

The pay-what-you-feel store in Melbourne is also fighting food waste.
Image via Facebook

Today’s prize for feel-good-news that actually makes you believe in the human race goes to the Inconvenience Store. It’s the new “free,” no-waste supermarket that’s just opened in the Melbourne suburb of Thornbury. It’s the latest addition to the Lentil As Anything family: the pay-what-you-like food project that provides employment and hospitality training for people from marginalised backgrounds.

The Inconvenience Store follows the same payment model as its predecessor, making it the first food store of its type in the state. According to their website, “all the food stocked in its shelves will be food rescued by our Food Without Borders team.” Basically that means food that can’t be sold by regular stores because it’s a bit old, and would usually end up in a bin. They stock fruit, vegetables, bread, and some packaged items. But before you ask, yes, it’s all safe to eat. Not only is the project a neat way to reduce food waste, but it’s will also be a resource for anyone struggling to afford healthy food.

All profits from the store will go to keeping the Lentil As Anything project running, and they’re looking for volunteers and donations as of now.