
‘We’ll Be in a Fascist State’: Protesters on Why the Police Bill Must Die

Protesters on the Kill the Bill march

Protesters took to the streets around the UK on Saturday to protest the new police and crime bill, which is due to voted on in the House of Lords today. Demonstrations took place up and down the country, including London, Bristol, Manchester, Sheffield and Plymouth.

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill would introduce severe restrictions on the right to protest in the UK, giving the police the power to ban “seriously disruptive” demonstrations, stop named individuals from attending the events and expand stop and search powers. It would also effectively criminalise Roma and traveller communities with new laws against residing on land without authorisation.

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In London, hundreds of protesters gathered for the “Kill the Bill” demonstration that snaked from Holborn towards Parliament Square in Westminster. VICE photographer Chris Bethell was there to document the scenes.

Kill the Bill protester Nina holding a purple flag.
Nina: “I’m here for the collective support.”


I’m here to show up for civil rights. I’m here with friends and I’m here for the collective support, to remind ourselves that we aren’t isolated despited times when we are individualised.

Kill the Bill protesters Katie and Amy hold up their signs.
Katie and Amy: “They’re spirit crushers, get rid of them.”

Katie and Amy

Katie: This is the fourth one we’ve done – we’ve gone to all of them and this is the last attempt to stop it, particularly given the fact that it will give police even more powers; powers which they already misuse.
Amy: What she said! They’re spirit crushers, get rid of them.
Katie: If the bill goes through, it’s the start of an authoritarian state.

A Kill the Bill protester in a printed skirt holds up a flare; a Kill the Bill protester in a mask holds up a sign.
Kill the Bill protesters Louise and Jacint holding up anti-Priti Patel protest signs.
Louise and Jacint: “I think what the government is doing is complete bullshit.”

Louise and Jacint

Louise: I’m really fucking angry. I think what the government is doing is complete bullshit. It’s not what democracy is. I think it’s destroying everything I believe in. We’re here to make noise, it’s the only power we have at this point – and that power is at stake. We’re here in solidarity showing that we really give a fuck. We elected people into power and they’re not listening to us, so this is what we need to do.
Jacint: These are the people they should serve, we want them to listen.

A Kill the Bill protester sits on the ground with an anti-police sign; another protester stands next to an officer with one.
Kill the Bill protester Zoe standing and holding an XR flag.
Zoe: “The idea of sending people to prison for up to ten years for damaging a statue… is insane.”


The idea of sending people to prison for up to ten years for damaging a statue or a war memorial is insane. I had a look at the impact assessment written by the Ministry of Justice which they based on sending ten people to prison for ten years – the first year construction cost was £2.5m, and then keeping the people in prison was a further £2.4m.

That’s £4.9m agreed by the Commons as an acceptable cost to send ten people to prison for ten years for attacking a statue. I’m not in the NHS, but I’m guessing you’d probably get quite a few junior doctors and nurses trained for £4.9m of the taxpayers’ money. 

Kill the Bill protester Lau holding a drum kit.
Lau: “I’d rather be banging a drum than just sitting at home.”


I’m here because the new bill threatens us with a fascist state, so it seems like the most sensible thing to do is to at least voice some disagreement. I don’t really know what will come of it, but it just feels like something should be done. I’d rather be banging a drum than just sitting at home.

John McDonnell speaks outside Parliament at the Kill the Bill demo; a long-haired protester sits on the ground listening to Kill the Bill speeches.
John McDonnell speaking at the Kill the Bill protest.
Kill the Bill protesters Pandora Kreizman, Iola Kreizman and James Kinghorn holding signs.
Pandora Kreizman, Iola Kreizman and James Kinghorn.

Pandora Kreizman, Iola Kreizman and James Kinghorn

James Kinghorn: I wanted to come for a dance, but also there’s this thing called the bill where they want to stop us from protesting and I’m not really cool with that. So it’s a double whammy for me.
Iola Kreizman: Yeah we’re here to protect our rights as humans to protest.
Pandora Kreizman: We’ve got to be here to oppose it in any way we can.
Kinghorn: We want to continue liberty and freedom.
Pandora: I’m hoping this will get on the news and alert people that we could lose the democratic rights we’ve had since the 19th century.
Kinghorn: If the bill goes through, I’ll leave the country.

A Kill the Bill protester dressed in a Suffragette hat and a protester holding an anti-Priti Patel sign.
Kill the Bill protesters Hanisah Othman and Kemi Alemoru holding up peace signs.
Hanisah Othman and Kemi Alemoru.

Hanisah Othman and Kemi Alemoru

Hanisah Othman: You have to defend your democratic right to protest! I think if we let this bill pass and let it slip into law we’ll actually be in a fascist state. Everybody has the right to gather and protest. That’s just a fundamental part of democracy. If we sleepwalk into that not being a thing, then what’s next? 
Kemi Alemoru: It’s difficult to say whether today’s demo will change anything, but I think it’s important to try.
Othman: We are trying to do something and it’s just so good after two years of a pandemic to get out and connect with people, to fight for the cause!

Kill the Bill protesters stand up during the sit-in and Patsy Stevenson speaking at the rally.
Patsy Stevenson (right) speaking at the Kill the Bill demo.
Kill the Bill protesters Elsa and Emmerline with protest signs.
Elsa and Emmerline: “Without protest we’d be stuck in the 1800s.”

Elsa and Emmerline

Elsa: It sounds obscene, but without protest we’d be stuck in the 1800s. It would be a very small amount of men who could vote [and] none of their wives – people wouldn’t have any sort of liberty. I hope that we won’t need to keep protesting for the right to protest.
Emmerline: But we probably will.
Elsa: It’s a fascist regime that’s rising up – we’ve seen this patten already in so many countries around the world, we can see our future in these countries and this is what I fear.
Emmerline: I actually came from a country where protest was [once] legal, but is illegal right now… I came here specifically for those legal rights but now they’re being taken away, so what did I migrate for?

Jeremy Corbyn speaking outside Parliament at the Kill the Bill protest.
Jeremy Corbyn speaking outside Parliament at the Kill the Bill protest.
A row of police officers marching past Downing Street on the Kill the Bill protest.
A row of police officers marching past Downing Street.
A young person carrying a sign that says
A young person carrying a sign that says “Can’t Believe We Have to Protest For Our Right to Protest! (That’s So Meta!)”.
People on the Kill the Bill protest blocking the road in London.
People on the Kill the Bill protest blocking the road in London.
A Kill the Bill protester carrying a sign that says
A Kill the Bill protester carrying a sign that says “Don’t Worry, This is a Work Event”.
A drummer on the Kill the Bill protest.
A drummer on the Kill the Bill protest.
