Tiny visual puns mashed with iconic characters make up the Instagram profile of illusrations by @hi_bin: Batman and the Joker in a heated game of ping-pong, Ghengis Khan on a gameshow, Ronald McDonald and Colonel Sanders play Scrabble, while fat Neo dodges healthy vegetables, etc. Many of the charming images are captioned in Korean, but the messages behind them are clear. The most epic adversaries—real and imaginary—are just playing a game.
While the symbolism isn’t obvious, @hi_bin’s comments elucidate their meaning. For English speakers, the frequent reference to Korean words makes the illustrations something of a guessing game that reveals themselves only through Google Translate. Check out a few of our favorites below, and if you guess their intentions without cheating, let us know in the comments.
Videos by VICE
See more of @hi_bin’s visual puns on Instagram.
If you’ve seen our next Monday Insta Illustrator, let us know at beckett@thecreatorsproject.com.
A WTF Guide to Life (and Death) | Monday Insta Illustrator
The Inner Demons of William Crisafi | Monday Insta Illustrator