There’s something disconcerting about Mutual Jerk’s new track “He’s Harmless”. Over a fuzzed Flipper/No Trend-like guitar dirge, vocalist Tyler Roberts sings/slurs a catalogue of excuses for someone’s shitty behaviour:
He’s really a nice guy/I’m surprised he did something like that.
He’s gets out of control when he’s had too much to drink/He was really drunk that night.
He’s probably just got a crush on you/ He thinks you are really cute.
He can be just a dumb ass sometimes.
You are the first person I know who’s had a problem with him.
He’s had a hard year/He’s had a rough week.
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It’s the kind of apologist (verging on victim blaming/shaming) behaviour that is unfortunately found too often in most punk scenes around the world.
But “He’s Harmless” also happens to be a brilliant song. Taken from the Atlanta band’s (who feature members of Strategic War Heads, Wymyns Prysyn, and Uniform) upcoming 7″, the track is a slow munted plow that brings to mind the despondency of Watery Love or Saccharine Trust.
This comes highly recommended,
Mutual Jerk’s 7′ is available May 1 on State Laughter Records.
Image: Bandcamp