The sun in your sign from December 21 marks Capricorn season: This is your personal new year, a time to recenter yourself and your vision as you happily take the lead!
You’re working through tricky emotions as love planet Venus clashes with serious Saturn on January 1. Confronting hidden feelings can be heavy. Time to pause and reflect arrives as the planet of communication, Mercury, ends its retrograde that same day. Solitude, silence, and some therapeutic tools can help to clear your mind.
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You have extra strength, willpower, and motivation as action planet Mars enters your sign on January 4. You’re powering through, determined to hit your mark, however long it takes,or whatever challenges you encounter! That’s the superpower of Mars in Capricorn.
Mercury clashes with Neptune on January 9 for the third time (think back to November 27 and December 27 of last year). You’re figuring out what to do with your spiritual beliefs and emotional impressions—you’ve had time to mull it over, to consider what’s delusional and what just sits right with your mind.
You can be effortlessly comfortable with your quirks or what makes you stand out as the sun harmonizes with Uranus on January 9. Your unique experience makes you more creative and compassionate. You’re able to overcome mental blocks as Mars connects with Saturn, also on January 9, empowering you to work through obstacles and smoothly glide over speed bumps.
Take time to care for your relationship with yourself during the new moon in your sign on January 11. You may experience emotional ups and downs since new moons are generally times of uncertainty, plus this one harmonizes with Uranus, the planet of surprises. Who knows what the next chapter will bring—socially, romantically, and creatively—but taking care of yourself and being comfortable in your skin provides stability for the future.
Make sure you don’t overexert yourself as Mars harmonizes with Jupiter on January 12. Your ambition and confidence can get you far, and you might even break some records, but remember to stretch, and don’t life more than you’re prepared to.
Mercury, no longer retrograde, re-enters your sign on January 13. A lot of contemplation happens in the first half of January, and now it’s more about finding the right words to carefully express what you’ve learned. You can clearly and intentionally talk about your position and experience during this transit.
A poetic sensibility comes as the sun connects with Neptune on January 15, which can put you in a creative or even spiritual way. You’re able to see things that not everyone can, with charm and artistry.
Communication planet Mercury connects with Saturn for the third time on January 18 (think back to December 2 and 21): Conversations come up again and you’re talking about what you can—and can’t—do. You’re able to fairly work out the terms of your agreements and discuss how you can uphold your end of the deal. Conversations run smoothly, and you have an open mind as Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter for the third time on January 19 (think back to December 7 and 18). You can be more trusting and hopeful about relationships, close social bonds, and your thoughts about child rearing.
Your open-mindedness and sense of wonder can find you vulnerable as Venus clashes with Neptune on January 19. Your values are being shaped by your ideals.
Capricorn season sees you transformed: Not only have you just started a new trip around the sun, but the seeds of your personal new year are being planted on fertile, scorched earth. A lot is happening on the last day of Capricorn season, January 20. As the sun meets with power planet Pluto, you can be astonished by how you’ve evolved and what you have been through over the past 15 years.
On January 20, The sun enters Aquarius, illuminating your chart’s house of personal resources and finances. Pluto enters Aquarius too, which will change your relationship to the material world through collective and technical advancement over the course of the next 19 years. Conversations in your relationships and your immediate environment resolve as Mercury clears its post-retrograde shadow on January 20.
Some sweetness arrives as love planet Venus enters your sign on January 23. This bodes well for cosmetics, self-esteem, and being in touch with what you want. You’re figuring out what you like, and how to ask for it.
The full moon on January 25 illuminates your chart’s house of gifts and shared resources: If there’s something that you need from someone else, you’ll be able to see it, name it, feel it! Or maybe it’s you that’s ready to share your talent and gifts; it can feel good to give and expect nothing in return.
On January 27 the sun clashes with Jupiter, giving you an ego boost—you can feel compelled to invest in your peace of mind. There’s some shakiness in the air as Uranus, the planet of disruptions, ends its retrograde, creating waves in your chart’s house of children, friendships, and creativity. You’re thinking and acting quickly as Mercury meets with Mars, making you more impulsive (and possibly hot headed) on January 27.
You’re connected to history, antiques, and your own rebellious streak as Venus connects with your planetary ruler, Saturn, and lucky Jupiter on January 28. You’re feeling social and flirty! You’re willing to take risks with what you say as Mercury harmonizes with Uranus, also on this day, giving you charisma—it could be a fun time to host an intimate party at your place, or do something like recording a podcast, since you’ll be able to express yourself in a unique and bubbly way.
You’re taking risks and behaving in a different way as Mars harmonizes with Uranus on January 29. You might not want to stick to your usual, predictable paths, and feel ready to break out of your shell.
Good luck, Capricorn, see you in February!
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