A Mom and Daughter Cross Cultural Divides in this Touching Short Animation

Navigating the depths of personal identity is never an easy course. Incorporate two distinct heritage backgrounds and time periods—and the story becomes more complicated. In the hand-drawn animation Tough, designed by Jennifer Zheng, the endurance and grit of one mother’s story is made more earnest and touching when narrated in two languages. The viewer listens on a bilingual exchange between a mother, speaking Mandarin Chinese, and her daughter, speaking English. The two navigate their relationship and their own histories with the diverse and unique linguistic cues of Chinese and American methods of communicating.

A particularly insightful moment frames a question asked by the daughter, “I think I am still a bit Chinese. Do you think that I think I’m white?” Her mother responds,””Yeah, your thoughts were pretty much like Western people. You could only tell you are Chinese from your face.”

Videos by VICE

The short is the final project of Zheng’s at Kingston University in London. See a few stills from the video, followed by the full video below:

To see more artwork from Jennifer Zheng, visit her Vimeo page, here, and her website, here.


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