VICE Tarot Reading

Your September 2020 Zodiac Tarot Reading by the VICE Fortuneteller

September is about shifting paradigms, remembering who we truly are, and looking to find the right recipe for work-life balance.

September is about shifting paradigms, remembering who we truly are, and looking to find the right recipe for work-life balance. Inner harmony is of utmost importance and dealing with your ego won’t be easy. It almost never is but mastering that will allow us to celebrate ourselves more genuinely.



Cards: Six of Wands, The Fool reversed, Ten of Cups. PHOTO: LOIS VELOSO / ILLUSTRATION: OWI LIUNIC

This month is all about glory and fame, with people looking up to your leadership and skills. But because of this sudden attention, be very careful with what you do and say. It’s okay to be spontaneous and take a leap of faith but be wary of going overboard or acting recklessly. You will inspire people but also attract critics. Just remember that this is normal and that you don’t need to react to every negative comment. With this new level of success, be sure to check your ego. Stay humble and remember to thank those who helped get you to where you are now.




Cards: Knight of Swords reversed, Page of Pentacles reversed, Judgement reversed. PHOTO: LOIS VELOSO / ILLUSTRATION: OWI LIUNIC

Work burnout is very real but the thought of doing anything else doesn’t sound enticing to you either. Still, you may feel like retreating and taking a long break from work this month because life feels repetitive and your scattered mind is making you lose focus. Consider channelling your energy into something more worthwhile. Take stock of what’s important, write them down in a journal, and reflect on how you want things to be. It’s hard to get back on track when you’re exasperated, so be compassionate to yourself and do things you actually want to do.



Cards: Five of Swords, Four of Wands reversed, Justice reversed. PHOTO: LOIS VELOSO / ILLUSTRATION: OWI LIUNIC

Winning isn’t everything, Gemini. This month, you may get into a serious argument and come out as the “winner,” but at what cost? Your unfairness and a lack of honesty may come back to bite you, especially if you choose to ignore grey areas and view the world as black and white. Always find a middle ground in conversations and avoid fueling them with rage and assumptions. Remember to be accountable for your actions and take a hard look at yourself first before criticizing others. Or else, you could lose important relationships. Get your point across with elegance, diplomacy, and empathy.



Cards: Page of Wands reversed, King of Cups, King of Wands reversed. PHOTO: LOIS VELOSO / ILLUSTRATION: OWI LIUNIC

You may start getting too comfortable with all the delays and turmoil happening in your life and start believing they’re inevitable. You’re not a frog in boiling water. Wake up and have the strength to change your circumstances. It’s time to have a change of perspective. Look at your leadership style and honestly note how you can improve. Maybe all it takes is adjusting your expectations to more realistic standards and working towards that. You don’t have to change your goals but your approach to getting there may need a bit of tweaking.




Cards: Two of Swords reversed, The Hierophant reversed, Nine of Cups reversed. PHOTO: LOIS VELOSO / ILLUSTRATION: OWI LIUNIC

Leo, you may feel stuck between choosing whether to start a new venture or not, but remember that you don’t need to ask for anyone’s approval. It’s time to trust your instincts and make bold choices for yourself. Sometimes, that may even mean going against the status quo to stay authentic. Being stagnant isn’t your strong suit so go for it, whatever it is. That does not mean you can be inconsiderate of others, but you must push forward with the things you’ve been wanting to do for a long time, even if it’s a path not everyone will understand.



Cards: Two of Wands reversed, Ten of Swords reversed, The Lovers. PHOTO: LOIS VELOSO / ILLUSTRATION: OWI LIUNIC

So many plans, so little time. Virgo, it’s time to stop waiting for the perfect time because you only have now. If you’re always waiting for the best moment to start executing ideas, you might never get there. This month, stop procrastinating and comparing yourself to others, and start sharing the magnificence that is you.  Let go of the past and remember that it’s only a memory. Whatever your issues are, they don't belong here in September. Realign yourself by welcoming new passions. If you want your life to progress, you have to make choice after choice. Think of what’s truly good for you and start harmonizing yourself.



Cards: King of Swords, Ten of Pentacles reversed, Eight of Pentacles reversed. PHOTO: LOIS VELOSO / ILLUSTRATION: OWI LIUNIC

This month, you will have a more realistic view when it comes to your finances. You may start seeing the negative patterns you’ve inherited and will want to correct them. This could mean finally cutting your spendings on unnecessary things, budgeting your monthly expenses, or looking for new sources of income. Your new practical perspective on money may make you feel like you have to sacrifice and let go of your hobbies but this is not the case. You can have it all but you will need to work hard to have the best of both worlds. It won’t be easy but it will be worth it.




Cards: Three of Swords, Nine of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles. PHOTO: LOIS VELOSO / ILLUSTRATION: OWI LIUNIC

You may experience heartaches and disappointments this month. Every day will feel hard, but every day hurts a little less. You will look to transform this pain into something beautiful. You may also choose to distract yourself by indulging in little luxuries. That’s fine because you’ve earned it. You will choose to heal over sulking in a corner. There is still a lot to be done but you will plan to make positive progress slowly but surely.



Cards: Queen of Pentacles reversed, Six of Wands reversed, King of Cups reversed. PHOTO: LOIS VELOSO / ILLUSTRATION: OWI LIUNIC

You may need to start getting your shit together this month, Sag. There will be delays in achieving your goals because of your moodiness. You will also struggle to accomplish items on your checklist. Your work-life balance is out of whack and you may need to start asking yourself where your priorities lie. You will try to gain your independence but this will have its own challenges, which you will need to confront with a positive outlook. Achieve this by figuring out how challenges and inconveniences can help you level up in life.



Cards: The Devil reversed, Ace of Pentacles reversed, The Hermit reversed. PHOTO: LOIS VELOSO / ILLUSTRATION: OWI LIUNIC

This month, you may put yourself through an intense version of delayed gratification. You may recognize the toxicity in your life and choose to free yourself through self-discipline and isolation. This includes putting a pause on shopping, food, and new passions in love (if you are single). You will want to put things on hold, choosing to work on yourself in secret instead of letting the world know. This month will be a time for healing and quiet reflection.




Cards: Page of Pentacles reversed, Two of Swords, King of Pentacles. PHOTO: LOIS VELOSO / ILLUSTRATION: OWI LIUNIC

You may find yourself at a crossroads this month and will start second-guessing yourself. It will be an important choice that could impact your future immensely. This will make you less confident, hiking up your imposter syndrome even though you know exactly what you’re doing in reality. Give yourself more credit. Hype yourself up by looking at how far you’ve come. Be proud of yourself. Believe that whatever vision you have, you can manifest it into this world. You have the intelligence, experience, and influence to turn it into reality.



Cards: Nine of Pentacles reversed, Seven of Swords reversed, The Sun. PHOTO: LOIS VELOSO / ILLUSTRATION: OWI LIUNIC

Your motto this month should be “work hard, play harder.” In reality, you will probably be working very hard and not have enough time to do things for yourself. What you think makes you productive may just be pulling you down, so have a shift in mindset. If you need to talk to a trusted, non-judgemental friend, reach out to them and share how you’ve been feeling about life. Lean on good people and tell them what’s been weighing you down. Reenergize yourself by bringing out your child-like qualities. Make time for art and talk about the things you are very passionate about. Take it easy.

This is a general tarot reading for the twelve zodiac signs. Take the bits and pieces that make sense for you. If this reading does not resonate, simply let it go.

Deck: Modern Witch Tarot Deck

Lois Veloso, also known as the Millennial Manghuhula (Millennial Fortuneteller), has been practising tarot reading since 2016. She believes that the tarot is a tool used for understanding things beyond the surface and promotes self-awareness. She’s based in Manila and loves topics on angels, spiritual healing, and self-development.