THUMP X A Volta is a mix series created by Brazil’s A Volta collective, with help from the team over at VICE and THUMP Brazil. It all started as a way to discover the internet’s plethora of outstanding independent musicians, and after a few editions, we decided to invite some digital artists to provide their own visual interpretations of each track. Since the first edition, we’ve had the pleasure of working with the likes of Adult Swim web developer Vince McKelvia, Studio Moross’ LEWIS, tumblr star Matt Osio, and Copenhagen’s studio, PUT PUT.
In the latest edition in the series, we’ve welcomed in Mexico’s NAAFI collective to select ten tracks for a special playlist. Among the artists featured are Mexico’s Lao, Imaabs, and Lechuga Zafiro, as well as some producers from a couple other countries, like Nídia Minaj of the Portuguese label Prince Disks. Artwork by Clay Gibson.
Videos by VICE
01. Lao – 雨と孤独
02. uli-k – Sensación
03. Imaabs – Difference
Underbelle04. Omaar – GTR (this is not official)
Pirata 2,06. Spectral – 2
07. Nidia Minaj – Scandalous [Studio Mana]
8. MC Roba Cena – Standing in Squina (Lechuga Zafiro Edit)
Pirate 209. Rivera – sientelo (Rip from NTS x NAAFI’s Spaceseeds mix)
10. Tomasadelreal – Tomasa Del Real X Mini – Hangover
AROUND is on YouTube // Twitter
The NAAFI is on Facebook // Soundcloud // Twitter