
Watch Otto Von Schirach’s Truly Tripped Out Video for “Biscayne Block Boyz”

Meet Otto Von Schirach. He’s been DJing since middle school, he’s a purveyor of crunked up booty bass which will get asses falling out of short-shorts pronto and he loves fruit. Like, really, really loves fruit. He calls himself the “Fruit God Master Soundwave.” He poses gleefully with papayas. He knows a lot about avocados. He’s stoked on triangles. Sometimes he into sporting sheeny brocade. He used to drop acid and make music which may explain why he was so up for the brilliantly surreal bent of this new music video for “Biscayne Block Boys.”

As he describes it: “An unexpected bubble gut slip up leads leads you through an intergalactic journey when Miami Boyz, Otto & Ahol hijack a Miami Dade Public bus. Anything is possible when they team up with Arthur Baute, Desi Cuevas & all whole Biscayne World Posse.”

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There’s sketched out dogs getting frisky on the bus, a multi-armed, green-faced, three-eyed Barbie-alike lifting speakers to the beat, there’s a singing iguana, and that’s just the tip of it. All the visuals come from the brain of AholSniffsGlue—a Miami artist and all around don—who made an experimental, half animated doc all about his experiences on the Biscayne Boulevard bus. Truly observing humans on public transport is an eye-opening experience. (Read more about his art and his doc here.)

But back to the music. It’s the definition of lit. The bass feels like it’s stomping out all the bad vibes from your brain. Let yourself become a slave to his cray!