
Philadelphia’s Mayor Fumbled the Iconic Eagles Chant: ‘E-L-G-L-E-S!’

Hannah Beier/Bloomberg/Getty Images

No one would ever doubt a mayor’s knowledge of the community they oversee. But Philadelphia’s mayor, Cherelle Parker, didn’t do herself any favors when she attempted to lead a chant for the city’s beloved Eagles as the NFL team embarks on the NFC Championship game.

During a press conference she was leading in which she was sharing the city’s preparation for the upcoming winter storm, Parker tried to lift some spirits by rattling off the iconic “E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES” chant. Perhaps the wintry weather got to her head because listening to her attempt to spell it out was, uhh, uncomfortable.

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Philadelphia’s Mayor Botches Eagles Chant

She started off right on track as she blurted out the “E” that perked up the ears of those in attendance. Then she went off the tracks. She followed it up with an “L” then a “G” and another “L” after that before nailing the end with an “E-S-EAGLES” finale.

That middle section was brutal, though. The poor “A” was completely forgotten and instead replace with an extra “L.” That’s a tough look, but it’s the thought that counts, right?

On Tuesday, she commented on publicly misspelling the city’s football team after her video went viral.

“We don’t promise perfection, I’m so happy I never have,” she said during another press conference. “Especially after I couldn’t spell Eagles right.”

We love someone who can laugh at themselves. We get it. It was freezing out there while she was giving those announcements and she clearly meant well by rallying the city behind their favorite chant. The spelling just got away from her. It happens to all of us.

Spellcheck is probably the best tool we have at our disposal. Otherwise, I’d probably have spelled it out Elgles multiple times in this story. Okay, maybe not. Sorry, I tried to help ya out there, Cherelle!