
Pornhub Wants to Take You to Masturbation School

Raise your hand if you saw porn before you got sex-ed?

Yup, that’s what I thought. Half of you probably have porn tabs open (incognito mode on) right now on your computers as you’re reading this. I know what you’re doing, you lovely freaks—never stop being you.

Videos by VICE

The shitty thing about that, though, is most of you haven’t ever had proper sexual education but you’ve damn well seen a ton of porn. Whether it be a porn mag found under a bridge in small town Alberta while you’re riding bikes with your friend (I may be speaking from experience here) or the wonderful thing that is internet porn, most of us encounter people smashing their uglies together in visual form before we even really know what it is.

While porn in many ways is wonderful, it’s a pretty ass backwards way to learn what actual sex is, and can lead to some fucked up ideas and ideals. Furthermore, schools aren’t really offering a well thought out alternative. With what seems like half the world (even though it’s just a small but loud minority) screeching repeatedly about the dangers of sex-ed in school and most of the actual sex-ed actually offered being horrifically out of date—consisting mainly of videos made in the 1960s about the dangers of “the clap”—maybe it’s time for alternative outlets to supplement the education?

Maybe it’s time for the sites we visit in the dark, tissue box at our side, to step up?

Well, it seems one actually is, Pornhub. PH is attempting to make itself into a one-stop shop for both jacking off and learning about jacking off. This week, the popular porn site launched their Sexual Wellness Centre, a free subsite which they say is an “online resource aiming to provide readers with information and advice regarding sexuality, sexual health and relationships.”

They even released a video with authentic porn quality sound to explain their initiative.

The site will be directed by Dr. Laurie Betito, who you see in the video above. Betito is a longtime psychologist with a speciality in sex therapy and is the president of the Sexual Health Network of Quebec and a past president of the Canadian Sex Research Forum.

“One thing I have realized is that, no matter our background or desires, sexual education – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual—plays a vital role in our society,” she said in a release. “It has always been a dream to connect with, educate and inform people all over the world on a massive scale.”

“Heading the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center is an opportunity to reach a global audience and provide a source for healthy sexual education and dialogue.”

The site features articles about topics you probably wouldn’t discuss in a sex-ed classroom like “You Now Have Fewer Reasons To Avoid Period Sex” and “Top Erotic Positions for Lesbians.” It also features Q&As and discussions about consent and STDs.

For something that includes the URL the site is remarkably safe for work so, you know, after you’re done doing what you need to do maybe give that shit (or other sex advice sites) a visit and learn how sex really works.

Because the other side of Pornhub can be a pretty shitty teacher.

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