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The last time Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA) cookies were boycotted by Pro-Life Waco director John Pisciotta, the opposite of the intended effect happened. It actually boosted cookie sales.
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This time around, the same thing could happen again. The “CookieCott 2014” claims that Girl Scouts are supporting abortion-rights advocates, specifically Texas state senator Wendy Davis and Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius, both Democrats—all because of a Huffington Post link.

The tweet that started it all. Photo via Twitter @girlscouts
A shitstorm ensued.
“It’s very clear that they are not citing any pro-life leaders with any praise, even though their official stand is they are not taking any position on abortion,” said Pisciotta.
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The Girl Scouts say they are an apolitical organization. In a cookie fact sheet, the GSUSA notes that “Girl Scouts does not advocate one way or another with regard to what we perceive as private issues best handled by families.” They also note that “adults keep adult conversations to themselves.”
We wanted to know more about that adult conversation stuff. Girl Scouts spokeswoman Kelly Parisi spoke with us about cookies, politics, and how you can buy Girl Scout cookies today in Grand Central Terminal.
VICE: What is happening at Grand Central today?
Kelly Parisi: Today, in celebration of National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend, the Girl Scouts of Greater New York have taken over Grand Central Terminal’s Vanderbilt Hall, and they have lots of Girl Scout Cookies to sell. The Cookie Program is the nation’s largest financial literacy and entrepreneurship development opportunity for girls. The scouts learn five essential skills through cookie sales—goal setting, decision-making, money management, people skills, and business ethics.

Daisy Troop 2325 selling cookies. Photo via Twitter @girlscouts
Is it true you do not take any stand on political issues?
True! We are here to serve every girl in this country, so we have to remain 100 percent nonpartisan.
Is this all a big misunderstanding?
Yes! It’s deeply unfortunate that fringe groups are attaching their political agenda to our brand. It’s even more upsetting that we’re a girl-serving organization and people are using our brand to have very adult conversations.
Who is behind your Twitter account?
We have an award-winning in-house social media team of industry experts.

Photo via Flickr user June Pfaff Daley
Do you mean that it’s your marketing team or more?
It’s our internal communications team.
Has this gotten legal?
No, we are not seeking legal action against anyone. The only legal issues we have is if the organization’s illegally and improperly using our logo, in which case we ask for a cease-and-desist.
How did this all begin?
To be clear, this is an ongoing issue for us, and every year we reach out to the good people of America for their support in building the next generation of girl and women leaders. At this point, fringe-group frustrations seem like a moving target. They attacked our Cookie Program, but the public rose up in support of the girls. Fringe groups have attacked GSUSA employees personally, but their arguments gained no traction, because the public realizes this work belongs to the girls.

Photo via Flickr user jamieanne
The last time, CookieCott actually helped cookie sales. Is that the case this time also?
Too soon to tell! But we think it should absolutely be the case.
What are the exact dates of this year’s cookie sales?
Girl Scout cookie season in New York is next weekend. Check the website or download the Cookiefinder app and enter in your zip code.

Photo via Flickr user sadaqah
Do the girl guides know what’s going on?
No. I just dropped off 200 girls at Grand Central. They’re focusing on selling cookies, donating to homeless shelters, and interviewing people about their favorite cookies on the green carpet. They will be there today until 7 PM.
What is your response to the pro-life groups who are boycotting Girl Scout cookies?
There is room for everyone in Girl Scouting. We celebrate and honor diversity. If you want to see Girl Scouts take a different direction in your community, the most powerful step you can take is to become a Girl Scout volunteer!